Chapter 6

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 Chapter 6

*Zoe's POV*

I heard a muffled mix between a gasp and a sob leave my mouth as soon as I saw the result. I can't be pregnant. Not me, not now. I had my suspicions, that's why I had bought the test. But I thought that I was just being my usual, paranoid, worrying self and that it would be nothing, but taking the test would just put my mind at rest. It did the total opposite to that though.  I thought that once I had got rid of Robert, my life would go back to normal but clearly I was wrong. I was going to be a teen mum.

"Oh my god, what is my Mum going to say!" I exclaimed, worries and doubts filling my mind instantly. "She's going to be so mad, she'll disown me!"

My breathing became heavy, and I felt myself shaking and trembling.

"Calm down Zoe, take deep breathes. You'll get through this, WE will get through this. And I'm sure your Mum and everyone else will treat you exactly the same same before. It doesn't change anything."

It took me a while to calm down fully, but once I had, I just wanted to sleep. All this had worn me out, but I couldn't. I had to explain to Harry, I had to let him know.

But just as I was away to open my mouth to talk to him, he beat me to it.

"Zoe, I know this is a lot for you to take in, and that you're going to be feeling really worried, but I'm just a bit confused." He started, and I just nodded to encourage him to carry on, words failing me.

"Well we only made love once, on your birthday. And that was only 2 weeks ago. You can't know that you're pregnant already surely?" He asked.

I smiled slightly when he said 'made love', knowing that it meant more than just sex to him too. But then it turned upside down when he finished speaking. I looked down, avoiding Harry's gaze, as more tears began to fill my eyes. I had to be brave, I need to tell him now, no matter how much I didn't want to. Before he jumps to conclusions, before he hates me.

"Zoe, please talk to me. I'm just as scared as you are." He promised, holding my hands in his and rubbing them lightly with his thumbs to reassure me.

"I...I...Oh Harry... I don't think it's yours!" I managed to get out, before the tears that had threatened to fall finally did.

"What do you mean it's not mine?" He said. To my surprise, he didn't sound angry and upset like I had imagined. He just sounded disappointed. And that, I think, is a million times worse.

"Harry please... hear me out..." I started to say, but it was obvious that he wasn't listening. He was muttering to himself, and was obviously still in shock.

"It's... it's Robert's, isn't it?" He said after a couple of minutes, obviously having figured it. Harry is much smarter than most people give him credit for.

"Yes." I said simply. There was no point in trying to deny it. He would find out eventually, and I'd rather that he found out now, that when the baby was born and looked nothing like him.

"When was it? When I was here, missing you and worrying about you like crazy?" He asked, and his voice was rising slightly with every word he said. I could tell he was trying extremely hard not to lose it, and I don't blame him. He deserves to be mad, and I deserve to be shouted at. I think it would be easier if he did.

"Harry, no. Please let me me explain.." I begged, but it was useless. He still seemed to be in his own little world.

"I thought you said he blackmailed you into going out with him. You told me that you didn't love him, that you hated him. Or was that just another lie, like all the times you told me you loved me?"

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