Chapter 25

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Chapter 25- Epilogue (3 years later)

*Zoe's POV*

I had just taken the trays of food out of the oven, when the door bell rang, signalling that the first guests had arrived.

"Harry, can you please get that, I'm kind of busy at the moment!" I called up the stairs to where I knew my husband was getting ready. Seconds later, I heard his footsteps on the stairs.

I quickly removed my apron, and wiped my hands on a tea towel before heading out into the hall to find Avery animatedly chatting away to Zayn and Danielle as they tried to get through the front door.

"And then, Uncle Zayn, Daddy took me to see the penguins, and when they jumped in the water you could see them swimming on the other side of the glass, it was so cool!" She was telling them, and I chuckled.

"Avery, darling, why don't you wait until everyone's here and then you can tell them about your trip to the zoo yesterday. Then you won't have to repeat it 4 different times," I suggested, and she gave me a frown before huffing.

"Fine..." she said, eventually agreeing reluctantly.

"I'm just going to go and get my toy panda, so I can show it to Ellie when she gets here, don't start eating without me!" she warned, before sprinting out of the room and out of sight. She is a very demanding and bossy child, you wouldn't want to get on the wrong side of her, believe me it's not pleasant.

"I don't know how you two manage to put up with her, she never seems to stop talking or running about!" Zayn exclaimed, as the four of us made our way into the lounge.

"Trust me, after 4 years you begin to get used to it. Just wait until you have kids Zayn, they're all exactly the same!" I warned him, laughing.

"Mummy, a car just pulled up outside, I think it's Uncle Niall!" She informed us and she joined us in the room. Before I even had time to get off of my seat, we heard the front door open and the sound of laughter filled the house.

Niall walked into the room, one of his little boys in either hand. Soon enough, Shauna followed carrying the bags filled with stuff for her children, and looking exhausted.

"Hey Shauna, how are you?" I asked her, as she collapsed onto the sofa beside me.

"Oh I'm okay, just a bit tired. Last night Connor woke up crying at half past 2 in the morning, and that woke Greg up too, and then it took me hours to settle them both down. And Niall, being Niall, claims that he doesn't EVER hear them, because he's apparently a heavy sleeper," she commented, doubt evident in her voice.

"Don't worry little sis, you're doing great! And remember if you ever need a babysitter I'm more than willing, the twins are no bother with me," Danielle offered, and we began chatting amongst ourselves.

Eventually, everyone arrived and we we are sat around the table eating.

Louis and Jocelyn had just arrived home from a visit to the US. Jocelyn now works full time for the boys, so she's in the UK most of the year, but the boys are on a 6 month break just now before they start recording their 4th album, so Louis thought it would be a good time to go and visit her family and get to know them. Especially since he is going to be making her his wife very shortly.

Liam and Sophie are still extremely happy together, and they act just like when we all first met. They've got two children now, and they are both so cute and act like angels. They are definitely the most well behaved of the lot. Ellie is now about two and a half, and Avery absolutely adores her. She took to her immediately, and treats her like a sister sometimes, and I can tell that when they get older they are going to be great friends. Ellie's brother, Ethan, is about 8 months old now.

"Boys stop it, behave at the table!" Shauna scolded the twins as they began mucking about, but it was to no avail.

Those two boys were munchkins, and serious troublemakers. I think that they've got it all from their father though, and with a Dad like Niall I can't blame them. He's always teaching them knew tricks to play on their poor mother, he's a really bad influence on them sometimes. But saying that, Niall is an amazing Dad, and I know he is doing his best for his boys.

One Direction is still going strong, even after all these years. There's been a few ups and downs, but they've always made it to the other side together. Their fans are still as dedicated, their songs and albums still as popular as they were when they were first released. I still think its incredible how far they've come for starting out as strangers. And now, they're even bigger than the Beatles, or any other band for that matter, and their going to go down in the history books as the best boy band in the world.

And I still feel so privileged to be part of it all. To be able to say that I have been with them on their journey from the bottom of the stairs to the top of the charts. I am extremely lucky that I am able to say that I'm Mrs Styles, and that I'm the one that Harry chose over everybody else.

"Right everyone, we have an announcement to make!" Harry stated, after everyone had finished eating their meal. He stood up from his seat, and pulled me up too, so we were now standing side by side in the middle of the table, whilst our closest friends sat gazing up at us impatiently.

He held onto my hand softly, as he looked into my eyes for permission to tell them all. I nodded firmly, trying to hold back the grin that was threatening to break out across my face. Harry stole one last glance towards me before turning back to face everyone. He took a deep breath before saying the words that I had wanted to for weeks.

"We're having a baby!"

A/N- So this is it, the last chapter! I hope you all enjoyed the ending. Thank you all for reading and sticking with me all the way through this and I Want, I can't believe the amount of reads my stories have got. I'd like to thank Shauna (Greyson_1D) and Beth (horse_madx) for all their ideas and support, because without you guys this story would have gone nowhere! You should all go check out their stories because they are awesome, and if you like Niall stories, Shauna's are the best! I'm going to be starting a Narry AU story very soon, so keep an eye out for it if you like that sort of thing! Please vote/comment with your overall thoughts on the story, and ways I can improve for my next one. Thank you :) xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2013 ⏰

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