Chapter 19

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"Enzo, come here please."

She said trying to remain calm.

"What is it hotness?"

He said smiling. Katerina knew that smile wasn't going to last long.

"I have something to do, so can we please go home?"

She asked. She needed to get home in order to prepare herself for what was about to come.

"Yeah sure let me just pack the knives back up."

He packed everything in the duffle bag they had with them. When they got home a beaten up Javier was in the living and probably the whole mafia was there.

She signalled Fiorenzo to come with her, they needed to go up to her room unnoticed which would be pretty easy considering the amount of people there.

They managed to get to her room unnoticed. Katerina got out a pencil and started writing something as Fiorenzo was looking at her like she grew two heads.

"What are you writing?"

He asked fully confused. Katerina set down her pencil and put whatever she wrote in an envelope.

"I'm so sorry Enzo about this."

She said and punched him. His head hit the wall knocking him out. Katerina left the letter next to an unconscious Fiorenzo and took one last look at him.

She opened her window and was prepared for the fall. It was pretty dangerous since she was on the second floor, but there was a lot of grass and soil so maybe it wouldn't hurt as much.

She jumped and started running. She was running like a mad woman. If Valerio knew he would go crazy and go after her.

She went into the forest that was near the mansion and managed to get to the pond. She knew Nikolai would come here eventually, it used to be her's and Elijah's special place.

"Oh Katerina you've been a bad, bad girl."

Said a voice behind her. His Russian accent was heavy and she was disgusted with just his voice. She turned around and gasped loudly.

Back to the mansion there was literal chaos. Everyone was in the living room, trying to find a solution when they heard someone knocking on the door. One of the members opened it and a rough looking Amara entered.

"Where the fuck is Katerina?"

She yelled, tears rolling down her eyes. In the meantime Fiorenzo had woken up and was running downstairs the letter in his hand.

"Is she here? Where is she?"

Screamed Fiorenzo when he got to the living room. Everyone started looking at the two confused, not knowing what had happened.

Javier got up and so did Valerio. Javier went and hugged Amara but she was punching his chest and crying.

"You let her leave, didn't you asshole?"

She said still trying to get away from his hold. Valerio snatched the letter from Fiorenzo. It wrote Valerio in cursive letters on the outside. He put it in his pocket.


Said Valerio in a serious voice. In reality though he was scared, scared of what Katerina did, scared of what might happen to her, but he was also angry why did she leave, he could've protected her.

"Amara please state what you know."

He said while everyone was looking at her waiting for her answer.

"Nikolai took me and beat up Javier to blackmail her. He took a video telling her that if she surrendered he would let me go. She surrendered and here I am."

She said while still sobbing.

"Fiorenzo please tell us what happened."

He said now looking at his third in command.

"We were throwing knives, when she sat at a tree log, she took her phone probably saw that video and asked me to leave. When we got here she signalled me to follow her to her room, she is scary when she doesn't get it her way so I followed. She wrote a letter, apologized to me and knocked me unconscious."

Valerio was angry, scared and hurt. She left him just like that.

"Let's kill them all and get our queen back."

Someone from the crowd said and the crowd cheered.


Said Valerio once again making them all shut up.

"Tech team try and look through cameras on where she could have been taken to. All the other people go train. If there is really a war ahead we need to be prepared."

Said Valerio and turned around to make his way to his office. He sat on his chair and poured himself a whiskey. The letter was now resting on his desk while he was staring it.

"Are you gonna open it?"

Said a voice from the door.

"Javier knock before you come in. Basic respect."

Spat Valerio sounding aggressive.

"I did knock, five times but you were in your own world."

He took a deep breath and continued.

"I've been your best friend since we were infants, I'm here for you. I know you're hurt, so open the fucking letter. I'm right here."

He said and sat just across him. Valerio let out a sigh and started opening the envelope.

"Dear Valerio, when you find this I will probably be gone. I know you will be pissed off and hurt but I had to do it. You've probably already ordered the tech team to look for me the others to train for war or some shit. You need to stop it. I have a plan and you need to trust me. However, I do think you need some knew recruits cuz honey some of your men do be getting old. I love you so much and you need to remember what I told you, I will always come back to you, you just have to wait.

I promise to bring you
Nikolai's heart,


When he finished the letter he threw his glass of whiskey to the door and punched the wall behind him which left a mark. Javier got up and embraced him in a brotherly hug. After a while they pulled away. Javier sat back to his chair.

"I never got to tell her I love her because of how much of a coward I am."

Admitted Valerio as he poured himself another glass of whiskey.

"She told me not to look for her, that she will come back to me."

He drank the whole glass without thinking about it.

"Go and bring me profiles of possible members. We need to get new recruits."

He ordered Javier. As Javier left, Valerio sat there thinking how much she changed him and his life in the span of these months. He was now addicted to her and couldn't live without her in his life.

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