Chapter 21

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It had been a month it was Katerina's supposed wedding day today. A girl had come in earlier today to dress her up. She had a wedding dress on but was still held on the wall by these chains. Just then Dimitri came in looking rather sad.

"Oh Katerina we will never be together but you should know I will always love you."

Said Dimitri and Katerina felt a little bad but if he really loved her he would have set her free.

"I know my sweet Dimitri but I want us to seal our love before I get married."

She said looking into his eyes. He went over to her and kissed her as she rubbed herself on him. He quickly unlocked her chains and took off her wedding dress. Katerina's hands snaked around his waist until she finally found what she was looking for, a knife. She pulled away.

"I'm sorry sweetheart but my heart belongs to another."

She stabbed him before he could even make a sound. Men were so stupid she thought. She took his T-shirt off and wore it since she couldn't fight in her garters and underwear. Luck was on her side when she realised his gun had a silencer. He also had four knives which she tied on her garters.

She quietly opened the door and was faced with five guys she shot all of them and not a sound was heard due to the silencer. She got two of their guns because she couldn't carry anymore.

From door to door from one floor to another she killed each and every Russian she saw. She finally reached the last floor where Nikolai's room was. She brutally killed the last three guys that were stationed outside Nikolai's door.

She was now covered in blood, she looked like a complete psycho but today was the day she went back to the love of her life.

Nikolai heard the screams of his men and quickly went out the door but Katerina was already waiting for him. She was right behind him and whispered.

"See you in hell."

Before slitting his throat. She started laughing and crying, she was free but she needed something more. She cut open Nikolai's chest and held his heart on her hand. She always held her promises.

She went to their garage a knife in her left hand and Nikolai's heart on her right. She put the knife back in her garter and found the key to one of Nikolai's cars she got in and started driving back to where she knew Valerio would be. Back to the club they met the "Bleeding Rose".


Javier and Antonio were sitting to the VIP area of the club surrounded by other members. Valerio was sitting in one of the couches once again drinking his feelings, that's what he had been doing for the past month.

"Man, I'm sick of seeing him like that. I know exactly what will help him."

Antonio said to Javier.

"Don't do anything stupid Toni."

Javier warned him. Antonio left the room and came back with two beautiful girls. She had them sit next to Valerio who raised his eyebrow at Antonio. Antonio winked and went  back to his seat. The two girls were touching Valerio's arm, foolishly trying to seduce him, he wasn't paying attention to them but all the members there were shooting daggers with their eyes either at him or Antonio who had brought the girls.

Valerio's phone was ringing and Mariano's name appeared on the screen. He didn't bother picking it up even though his phone kept ringing and ringing. After a while it finally stopped but screaming was heard from the dance floor.

Just then Javier's phone rang the same person calling.

"Javier she's coming we caught her at one of the cameras down the street."

Said Mariano when two knives were thrown to the girls' necks both of them now laying dead. Everybody's eyes were now at the door where a bloodied Katerina stood, she threw the heart that was in her hand into Valerio's drink.

Everybody was bowing their heads, smiles plastered on their heads when a shot was fired towards Katerina. All their heads shot up. It was Antonio and luckily for him he missed.

In a second Katerina had pinned him against the wall holding his neck while he struggled to breathe. Valerio was still trying to comprehend what just happened, all the members' eyes were on them, Javier and Fiorenzo were shedding a few tears but Katerina was just furious.

"Who the fuck are you?"

She barked angrily. That seemed to snap everyone out of their trance.

"Antonio, who the fuck are you, you psycho bitch?"

He managed to say. Katerina let him fall to the ground and sat next to him playing with the gun he was previously holding. Nobody dared utter a word not even Valerio. She clicked her tongue and once again let out her significant sadistic laugh.

"I'm Katerina."

She said clicking her tongue again while still playing with his gun.

"Why isn't anybody trying to kill your psycho ass?"

He said looking at everyone there, asking for help with his eyes.

"Well sweetie, why would they kill their queen?"

She asked giving him a little smirk. He gasped at first and was a little afraid. He didn't know her personally but he knew she was crazy and very much respected here.

"You're not much of a queen, you're a coward. Leaving your people alone. You're just another bitch boss decided to bang."

That snapped something inside her. It angered her so much that she needed to take a moment and ask herself if she imagined it. When she snapped out of it she saw Valerio holding a knife to Antonio's neck.

"Repeat what you said one more time because I didn't hear it clearly."

Said Valerio who was now fuming.

"Valerio let him go, he shall be left in the cells for 30 days. The boy has guts but he needs to learn respect."

Said Katerina. Valerio let him go and two members took Antonio to the cells.

Valerio grabbed her and kissed her with so much passion, pouring all his emotions in one kiss. When they pulled away to breathe Katerina whispered in his ear.

"I promised you his heart and I brought it."

Valerio smiled and kissed her again when the door opened and Mariano entered with a crying Amara.

"You should really learn to pick up that fucking phone of yours."

Said Mariano as Amara ran towards her best friend jumping on her which resulted in them falling.

"I missed you so much."

Said Amara crying.

"You look like you just came out of a horror movie."

Said Fiorenzo who hugged both girls. The two got up and Valerio couldn't help but kiss her again. They drove home and when they entered they were faced with most of the mafia there.

"Your queen is back."

Said Valerio as cheers and whistles were heard from everyone.

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