Chapter 8 - Coming Of Age

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Next morning.

THOMAS wakes up and finds the jeep back in the camp. 

BABA is sitting on the cot, smoking up from a chillum. Some lentils are being cooked over the fireplace. 


Woken up, Mr. Thomas? Come have your breakfast. Call your friends too. We need to leave early.

THOMAS looks at him and walks towards the cot.


Your mind seems clouded. Like you have a lot of questions to ask.


What was yesterday night all about?


Straight to the face, huh? I like your guts. Few people speak to me this way.


Forgive me if I sounded rude.

He starts to get up to leave.


Arre, don't be so touchy. Sit down.


The snake dance. It was a visible test. Why risk your son's life that way?


In all the western religious texts, there is this character...Ibrahim, who almost murdered his son as a sacrifice to God. Why then haven't you questioned the logic of these faiths, including yours?

A beat.


Are you the God here or Abraham?

BABA smiles and takes one more drag. He continues.


I'm both. 

BABA (cont.)

Of course, as Omkar has passed the test...


Passed? He almost got himself killed yesterday night. That boy hasn't slept properly. How has he passed the test?


You need to lose at times to show that you are capable of succeeding in life.

BABA (cont.) 

You know what Mr. Thomas. Power and Wealth are two Gods. Keep both of them separate and there will be peace in the world. Bring both of them together and the seven sins of the world will find a perfect host to breed.

BABA (cont.) 

OMKAR is a good boy. He knows neither wealth nor power. But that is today. About tomorrow, I don't know. 

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