Chapter 7

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"So if you're going to have a crush on this stalker guy, think we can meet him for real now?" Kaminari asked.

The group had been with Katsuki for about two days now, they had just gotten back from bowling. Not having any other plans for the day, the electric blond thought he'd bring it up.

"Excuse me? Who the hell said I had a crush?" Katsuki asked him with a scowl etched onto his features.

Ashido rolled her eyes at the stubborn red eyed boy. "It's painfully obvious, Bakubabe. You're not subtle about your crushes, especially this one."

"We're just friends! If we're even that at this point." Katsuki shot back, crossing his arms over his chest and glaring off to the side.

"Riddle me this, friend," Ashido said, leaning forwards on her elbows. "When you two fell asleep in that treehouse, were you on different sides? Or were you next to each other?" She asked.

Katsuki hesitated a second before answering. "Next to each other. I don't see how that-"

Ashido held a finger up to silence him. "Ah, ah, ah, and were you two touching at all?"

If Katsuki's beat red face was anything to go off of, that was a yes.

"I rest my case." Ashido said with a small nod.

"You're crushing so hard dude!"

"It's like Kiri all of last year."

"Hey! I wasn't that ba- Yeah, okay, I see your point."

Katsuki groaned as his friends all started bickering with each other. "If you guys meet him 'for real', will you all shut the hell up?"

"Obviously." Kaminari said with a shrug.

"Fine, let's go." Katsuki said, standing and walking towards the window.

Sero narrowed his eyes as he watched the blond step out onto the roof. "We're seriously going to sneak out of your house to go meet the guy your parents hate, after you already got grounded for sneaking out?" He asked slowly.

"Yeah, got a problem with that?" Katsuki shot back, a brow raised up in questioning.

The black haired boy shook his head and let a smile slip onto his features. "Nope, your funeral, not mine. Let's go!"


"Where the hell are we going?" Kaminari asked, his arms wrapped around his waist as he eyes the wilderness in suspicion.

It was getting late, the sun was disappearing from their view and soon it'd be dark. There were all trekking through the woods, Katsuki not being to helpful on where they were heading.

Katsuki took a deep breath, looking at their surroundings and trying to gauge where they were. He was trying to get them to the treehouse, where he knew Deku would most likely be, but this time he didn't have the shorter boy to guide him. He had only been in the woods once since moving back and he hadn't really been paying attention. He wasn't really sure where the hell he was going. "I- um- I have no idea."

"Did you get us lost?!" Sero exclaimed, moving closer to Kirishima out of instinct. Besides Katsuki, Kirishima was probably the biggest force to be reckoned with in their group. If they were going to be lost in the woods, alone, at night, Sero would be stuck to the redhead like glue.


"Oh for fuck's sakes, Bakugou! If you didn't know how to find him, you should have just said something!" Ashido yelled, throwing her hands in the air. She let out a small squeak when there was rustling coming from a bush. She jumped towards Katsuki, holding onto him for dear life.

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