Chapter 8

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"He rejected you?..." Sero asked slowly.

Katsuki had just gotten back into his room, looking about as devastated as one would expect. He had given a short run down of what had happened, but only after all four of the other teens pestered him for fifteen minutes. Katsuki just didn't have the energy to withhold the information from them.

He also didn't have the energy to blow up on his friends like he normally would. He just nodded in confirmation of Sero's question.

"Then he apologized?..." Kaminari asked this time.

Another nod.

"Then he kissed you?...." Kirishima asked that one, everyone taking note of the small wince from Katsuki before another nod.

"Then he left." Ashido spoke up this time, but hers wasn't a question for confirmation, she was just stating facts.

"That's what I just fucking told you guys, wasn't it?"

Ashido sent a small glare at the blond as he laid back on his bed, placing an arm over his eyes in an attempt to block out whatever the others were going to do or say to try and cheer him up.

"Did he, or did he not, tell you that he wanted to say yes?" Ashido questioned, her hands on her hips as she stared down at the moping Katsuki.

"He did, but he ultimately walked off. What does it matter?" He said back, sounding more tired than he probably should for how early in the evening it still was.

Ashido walked over to the mirror Katsuki had in his room, fluffing up her pink hair while muttering 'men' under her breath. "Why did you let him walk off then? He clearly likes you, so why wouldn't you try harder? I expected more from you, Katsuki Bakugou." She told him.

Katsuki sat up quickly, a scowl taking over his features. "You don't get it! You didn't hear the way he said it, okay? He's hiding something, and whatever it is, he won't just give it up. His secret is more important than... whatever the hell this is." He told her, but his glare was on the ground. Katsuki had a habit of avoiding eye contact in serious situations like this.

The pink girl looked at the blond through the mirror, sizing him up with a hand on her hip. After a few seconds of contemplation, she turned to actually face him. "Well I guess we'll just need to find out that secret then." She said in a matter-of-fact way, like it was the only plausible solution.

"What're you on about now?" Katuski asked with a groan. He'd rather just forget all about the green haired boy and the rejection. Completely move on.

Even if it wouldn't be that easy.

"If we find out his secret, he'll have nothing left to hide and therefore won't have a reason to say no to a date." Ashido explained, giddiness seeping into her tone as she smiled brightly at the plan she had concocted.

Kaminari slowly clapped for her, but held a skeptical expression. "That's a great plan Min, really, but how the hell are we going to accomplish that? We don't even know the guy's real name."

"Oh, this is new."

Kaminari and the four other teens quickly looked to the window, where yet another stranger stood. Or well- more like crouched.

"Who the fuck are you?" Katsuki hissed, standing up and placing himself between the stranger and the new comer.

'I knew he cared about us.' Ashido thought while mentally drying a tear of happiness.

The newcomer shifted from crouching at the window sill to sitting with his legs inside, like Deku, but the stranger was noticeably taller and his feet touched the ground. "The name's Shoto Todoroki. Who might you be?" The new teen asked, looking around the room that had previously been empty for so many years.

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