Chapter 11

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⚠️trigger warning for self harm and lots of blood⚠️

Izuku watched Katsuki leave and then dragged his eyes over to the other side of the woods. "You're both creepy as hell." He called out to the two other teens.

"And you're stupid as hell." Shinsou said, walking out from the wooded area and meeting Izuku half way.

"Just let me have this, okay?" Izuku muttered, looking down at his arms. There was blood dripping, even with the bandages. He couldn't remember the last time it happened this quickly.

Todoroki sat down on the rocky hang off that dropped to the sand. It was like a three foot tall cliff that dropped down to the beach area. "We should get you better bandages." He stated.

Izuku rolled his eyes at the obvious statement. "How do you supposed we do that, huh?" He asked, but was met with silence and an awkward look from the two toned boy.

"Just as your forbidden boy toy." Shinsou said with an eye roll as he sat next to Todoroki. The other instantly leaned against him, like how Izuku had been sitting with Katsuki earlier.

"So you two get to be happy, but I'm just not allowed to?" Izuku asked him with a sharp glare. He knew what he was doing was... so, so wrong, but he just couldn't stop.

Shinsou matched his glare, getting fed up with Izuku's attitude ever since Katsuki came back. He used to be much more quiet and driven, now he just went right back into his rebellious stage, right after Shinsou and Todoroki finally got him to pull his head out of his ass. "It's different and you know it."

Izuku gripped at his hair, not even bothered by the blood that was running up his arms because of the action, getting to his shoulders and seeping down his back. "I don't want it to be!" He cried out and Shinsou knew he had been too harsh. "Why can't I just be... happy?"

Neither of the other two boys said anything, unsure of why Izuku had been dealt such a terrible hand in the game of life. Instead, Todoroki just dropped himself down to the beach, wrapping an arm around Izuku for support. "C'mon, let's go get you some fresh bandages."


Ashido, Sero, Kaminari, and Kirishima had talked everyone's parents into letting them stay another week. Katsuki wasn't sure how, but he just rolled with it. It meant another week he wouldn't be grounded and another week he'd have people covering for him while he snuck off to see Izuku.

The two of them spent every night up in that treehouse. They mostly just talked about random things, Katsuki tried to question him on his secrets again but was shut down pretty quick.

Which led them to where they were right now. It was late at night and the two were laying in the treehouse, watching the stars through the cut out window. Over the course of the week Katsuki had been sneaking a few blankets and pillows out there with him, so they were a bit more comfortable now than they had been.

Katsuki was nearly half asleep, his face in Izuku's hair. It always smelt like watermelon, prompting the question of if he used kid's shampoo or not.

"Hey Zuku?" Katsuki mumbled. Now that he actually remembered Izuku's first name, he had ditched the old nickname in favor of a... nicer one.

"Yeah?" Izuku hummed in response. He was still wide awake, as per usual.

Katsuki shifted so he was on his side and could bring the other boy closer to him. "I think I love you." He admitted.

Izuku's faint breathing hitched at the confession, seconds before he sat up right. "I-I can't do this." He muttered.

Katsuki was now wide awake and freaking out, thinking he had ruined everything by saying it too soon. "Izuku, please-"

But Izukuk was already heading down the ladder. Katsuki jumped to his feet and followed after him. Once they were both on the ground, Izuku turned back to the blond.

"Please Kacchan, I can't-" The green haired boy's voice cracked as he brought a hand up to his mouth to try and keep his sobs at bay.

Katsuki took a careful step forward, worried he'd spook the boy and he'd take off running. He knew that Izuku knew the forest like the back of his hand, but it was the middle of the night, there was no telling what was out there. He didn't want the boy to run aimlessly.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you'd get so upset. You don't have to-"

"That's not why I'm upset!" Izuku suddenly shouted, the outburst so unexpected Katsuki actually jumped slightly. "You have no clue how much I love you."

The blond stared at him in shock, now beyond lost as to why Izuku was having a near panic attack.

"You were right, I am stupid." Izuku said, louder than needed seeing as Katsuki was only a few feet away from him.

"Midoriya, you know we never want this to-" Todoroki started, walking up behind the green haired boy, who was staring at Katsuki as the teen became more and more confused.

"What the hell are they doing here? What's going on Izuku?" Katsuki asked, eyeing Shinsou and Todoroki suspiciously as they stood on either side of the boy he loved.

Shinsou kept his eyes on Katsuki, unsure of what the teen would do in retaliation. "You need to tell him. He needs to know." He said, his words directed at Izuku.

"I don't want to." Izuku whispered.

"Tell me what? What the fuck is going on?" Katsuki yelled at them, his own tears started to build up in his eyes.

Todoroki looked down at Izuku's hands. Blood was dripping onto the forest floor. "Your wrists bled through again." He pointed out.

The green haired boy nodded his head as more silent tears streamed down his face. "I know. It's because of him." He explained, jutting his head in Katsuki's direction.

The blond was completely flabbergasted by the accusation. "What're you talking about? I haven't done shit to your wrists!" He exclaimed. He couldn't believe that Izuku was actually trying to blame that on him.

Izuku attempted to smile reassuringly at Katsuki, but it looked like more of a grimace. "I know, Kacchan. It's not your fault. But it's okay, I barely noticed it."

Shinsou looked anxious and hurried as he looked around the forest as if something was going to jump out. "This is stupid, can we leave now?" He asked, looking at Izuku. He did have the final say at the moment.

Izuku looked like he was hesitating, which only made the purple haired teen irritated. "If you're not going to tell him, this is pointless. We need to get out of here, there's too much blood." He whispered harshly.

Todorki looked down at all the blood that had fallen from Izuku. "He's right Mido, we should leave and hope it rains."

"Yeah." Izuku said in a breathy tone.

The green haired teen turned and started to walk away with Todoroki into the trees behind them. Katsuki tried to go after them, but Shinsou stood in his way.

"Look, I'm not supposed to interfere, but this is fucked up, so listen to me." Shinsou hissed, looking behind him to make sure Izuku would be out of ear shot.

"God I don't know what he was thinking about getting into this." He said to himself.

"Get on with it. What the actual fucking is going on with Izuku?" Katsuki hissed, but also kept his voice down. He didn't know what Shinsou was about to tell him, but he knew he wouldn't get it out of Izuku.

"Go find the yellow backpack." Shinsou told him.

Katsuki's face scrunched to show his confusion. "What yellow backpack?"

"The goddamn thing he's been looking for for the past two years! He doesn't know where it is, but it's somewhere in your house, most likely your room. Find it. Give it to your parents. They'll know more about it than you do." Shinsou instructed angrily. It wouldn't be long before Izuku became suspicious of the fact he wasn't with them. "I have to go."

Before Katsuki could even ask him another question, Shinsou was taking off into the woods.

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