Chapter 6

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"Katsuki. Bakugou. Where the hell have you been?" His mother asked in a slow and rage filled voice.

He nearly flinched away from it, but refrained. "I'm sorry, okay? I got pissed off about you keeping secrets from me, and I just wanted to get away from a little bit. I ended up falling asleep in some old treehouse I found and I didn't realize my phone was off until I woke up this morning." He smoothly lied.

Deku had said it himself last night, his parents didn't like him. He wasn't just going to outright say that he had snuck out of the house with the boy and fallen asleep with him in their old treehouse after talking about their past and getting to know each other, probably forming another friendship.

Yeah, Katsuki was going to have to pass on that one.


Katsuki was thoroughly scolded by both of his mothers, Mitsuki and Ashido, and then sent up to his room with his friends. He was supposed to be grounded, but seeing as his friends had traveled an awfully long way, it wouldn't go into effect until they left. Which meant he had a few days of freedom.

"What'd you guys want to do?" Sero asked after they made it up to Katsuki's room.

The blond was still unpacking and decorating, so there wasn't really anywhere to sit but the bed and the floor. Ashido and him took the bed, the other three boys took the floor.

"We could go to the beach." The pink girl suggested with a shrug. It sure was hot enough there for the beach.

"There was a bowling place that we passed on our way here, so we could check that out." Kirishima also offered.

Kaminari's face lit up as he remembered another place they passed. "There's also that little market place, we could go there and get souvenirs!"

"God, you're the gayest one here." Kirishima said with a small chuckle as Kaminari went beat red.

"As a fellow gay man, you should be offended by that steriotype, not making jokes about it." Ashido lightly scolded, even though she knew it was all in good nature. But she also knew Kaminari was probably one of the most sensitive in the group and he was still coming to terms with the whole 'being gay' thing, so she didn't want any cheap shots at his expense.

"Yeah, sorry." Kirishima said with a sheepish smile in apology.

"We can do whatever the hell you guys want tomorrow, but I'm tired as shit, so can we just stay here today? Besides my parents are going out later, so we'll have the whole place to ourselves for a few hours." Katsuki spoke up. He was leaning back on his pillows, and his arm draped over his forehead as he fought the urge to yawn.

Ashido eyed her friend suspiciously. "What were you really doing last night? Don't bother lying to us, we all knew you weren't telling your mom the truth down there."

Katsuki let his eyes sweep across the room, seeing that all his friends wore matching expressions of curiosity and apprehension. He groaned as he realized that they had all come to know him a bit too well.

"If I tell you damn idiots, you can not tell my mom. She already freaked out about it yesterday." He told them as seriously as possible. Even Kaminari seemed to realize that he wasn't messing around this time.

"What's going on bro?" Kirishima asked him.

"Coming back here as really fucked with my head, okay? I used to be a really terrible fucking kid and was lonely and blah blah blah. Apparently it was traumatic or something and I've blocked out like my entire childhood." Katsuki started, watching all of them not seem too surprised. He had already confided in them about his bullyish ways and that he didn't remember a whole lot from when he was a kid. It wasn't exactly new information.

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