Chapter 12

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⚠️trigger warning for talk of death and suicide⚠️

Katsuki raced back to his house, running as fast as his legs could possibly carry him. He haphazardly climbed up to his window, probably waking up everyone in the house, but he couldn't care less, they'd all be up as soon as he started tearing the place apart anyways.

"Bakugou?" Kirishima asked through a yawn as Katsuki fell into the room, right on top of Sero, who had been sleeping on the floor.

"Whoa dude! What's wrong?" Sero asked him, sitting up as Katsuki quickly got off him and started to search through his room.

"Something's wrong with Izuku. He's bleeding really badly, those other two guys were just there tonight and carted him off like a child. One of them told me what we needed to find, it's a yellow backpack. Whatever's in it needs to go to my parents, because they know something we don't." He briefly summarized, not having time to waste.

"Whoa, what's going on?" Kaminari asked, sitting up from the bed. Ashido had won rights to it after winning mario kart.

"We're looking for a yellow backpack." Kirishima said, getting out of his makeshift sleeping spot and flicking the light on. Everyone needed a few seconds to adjust before they were all searching.

"Why're we doing this in the middle of the night?" Kaminari asked with a yawn.

"Apparently Deku's bleeding really badly and one of his friends said that we needed to find this yellow backpack." Sero explained while he sorted through the closet.

Thankfully Katsuki hadn't been bothered to really unpack everything yet, so most of his belongings were still in boxes.

"What if it's not in here? Did he say what room it was in?" Kirishima asked Katsuki.

The blond had a clear look of distress as he tore through everyone one of his drawers in search of a bag he knew wasn't there, but they had already covered everywhere else. "He said anywhere in the house, but most likely in here." He told him.

"Maybe we should expand our-" Kirishima was about to suggest looking around the rest of the house, but Ashido suddenly shouted from the bed.

"The gap! Between the dresser and the wall! It's tiny, but if a backpack is relatively empty, it could probably fit." She exclaimed.

The dresser was old and sturdy. It took Katsuki and Kirishima to just slide it to the side. But once it moved, a dirty, tattered, yellow school back fell to the floor.

Katsuki quickly scooped it up, unzipping it in an instant. On the inside, in black sharpy, was the name 'Izuku Midoriya'. "This is it." He breathed out.

He looked through it, but only found a piece of paper. He grabbed it out, figuring it was what he needed to show his parents.

"What's that?" Kaminari, peeking over Katsuki's shoulder.

"Looks like a note." Sero pointed out.

Kirishima nudged Katsuki slightly. "Well? What's it say?"

Katsuki scanned the letter quickly, his eyes widening the further down the page he got. The others weren't sure what it said, but they could easily tell it wasn't good.

"What. the. fuck?" Katsuki said once he finished reading.

"What'd it say dude?" Kirishima asked him carefully.

Katsuki didn't answer him, just took off out of his room and down the hall to his parent's. He didn't bother to knock as he damn near kicked the door down. His parents woke up with a start as the door slammed against the wall and the angry blond stomped in, flicking the light on.

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