"The Coward"

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As he came out of shower it was 12 on the clock and  in front of him beam folded his both hands around his own waist.

"So masturbation doesn't count as a sex" said beam.

"What" replied forth. 

"The bet did you forget about it" reminds beam.

"Oh I totally forgot about it" said forth.

"So what do you want?" asked beam.

"I want you……" 

"Hmmm you want me…..for what I am not a girl who can play dirty with you so just spit it out what you want it's  past midnight already I wanna sleep" said beam.

(A/N you beamy trust me  you can play very dirty with him everyone will gonna agree with me)

" Are you asking me what I want or are you threatening me?" asked forth.

" Ohk so you don't want anything so I am going to sleep" said beam as he jumped on the bed.

"Beam, that's cheating, you can't do that. I want you to help me with business as you heard my dad wants me to work. Will you help me please naa….naa" said forth.

"Ohkk I will but I have my own condition" said beam.

"What are those conditions that would like to tell me about it?" said forth in an unpleasant voice.

" First you will listen to me"

"Second whatever I will gonna teach you you will learn it seriously"

" Third you won't gonna play around in work you know what I am trying to say" said beam.

" Dose that mean I can't have sex in office" said forth.

" Yeah that's what I want to say," said beam.

"Hmm" , Forth replied lazily.

"Last not least if you won't follow one of those rules I will stop helping you. You will  be your own" said beam.

" Deal then" asked firth as he showed his Pinky finger.

" Pinky promises are a child four years old or what?" asked Beam in amusement seeing forth's childish behaviour.

" Just do it na na naaaa" said forth cutely.

(A/N Awww cute forth can be bad for my poor heart what about you beamy)

"Ahhh whatever" beam did the pinky promise and went inside the blanket covering his face.

Beam's PoV

What the hell did he eat why is he behaving so weird ahh it's giving me chills and what's with the all act of being cute if was gross …Umm I mean I wasn't gross it was tempting I just want to jump on that pauty juicy lips I feel like a pervert even thinking about it I think I should go to my doctor and do a full body checkup  maybe something is wrong with me yeah definitely that's the reason all of it.

Just count sheeps and fall asleep. The morning will come soon and everything will get back to normal.when we will get back to our home.

When did I start to use "our" words like that? I am seriously ill? I need to get checked first thing tomorrow.

One sheep………One hundred forty-five sheep's  beam was counting sheeps when forth was sleeping sounds.

Here I am trying to fall asleep and look at him sleeping like he owns the place ummm wait yeah he does own this place.

Beam was staring at the sleeping figure beside him like he wants to eat him alive (well but we all know it's gonna be other way around) he unconsciously run his fingers on Forth's perfect face 

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Beam was staring at the sleeping figure beside him like he wants to eat him alive (well but we all know it's gonna be other way around) he unconsciously run his fingers on Forth's perfect face 

His hairs were massy. I ran my fingers across his jawline to fill it's roughness but then  I was about to touch his red lips but then I blinked and regained my conscience.

Beam get your shit together you have seriously gone mad and again I covered my blushing face with a blanket.

Let's just pray morning will come soon and this torcher will end soon.

And Beam drifted away in sleeplend.

Forth's PoV

I am done being a coward. I was too cowardly to do what I knew to be right, as I had been too cowardly to avoid doing what I knew to be wrong.

I know it's right to be the forth that I present in front of you and it's wrong to fall in love with you but I can't help myself but to fall in love with you every time I look at you I fall just deeper and deeper so  I will see what will gonna happen in future but for now I will cherish those moments between us I will cherish you I will cherish us yes you and me = us.

I won't repeat the mistakes I made in the past. Long before morning I knew that what I was seeking to discover was a thing I'd always known.

So where were we when that damn knock on the door disturbed my thoughts….?

It took all of me to control myself not melt in your arms. I know you are nervous too but….I can't drop over you I shouldn't I can't show you the affection you have on me.

I know you were hesitant to talk to me after seeing my all rude behaviour that smile disappear somewhere and gone busy again with your phone and smiling like an idiot seeing your phone and I was getting angry that who the hell you were talking to that you were smiling like that.

I really wanna snap that phone from your hand and break it into pieces but I control my anger and wait for you to break the killing silence between us.

"Do you want something?" You asked.

And you don't know how badly I wanted to say all I want is you but I can't. I have to keep reminding myself what I  have done to you in the past that I must not repeat at any cost.

"Black coffee without sugar"  I replied I wasn't looking at you I was looking at my danm phone all the time because I was fucking scraed to face you to fall for you I was a coward that's why I didn't look at you.

"Can you please put down the phone, it's impropriety don't you think?" You asked.

I know it was impropriety of me you must have thought I was looking down at but wasn't but I have to keep showing that I was because I don't want to hurt you again I can't  bare the pain again I can't lose you again."Listen beam or whatever your name is. I don't care who the hell you are. Let me make one thing clear: I don't have any interest in marriage. I am not into man's I am not a gay I like girls with big boobs and three holes. I am only here because if I don't marry you I will lose all my dad's money and luxury and I can't leave without them"I said with a disgust in my voice I was disgusted but not to you but myself.

"Well I like how honest you are but let me tell you one thing I am not interested in you too ( of course it was a lie) but I am going to marry you whatever you like it or not" you said.

"But if you have any problems you can say that to your parents right" you said.

I knew  you were angry at me. I knew that what I was saying was affecting you but that something I had to do.

"Do you think if I could I would be sitting in front of you? What do you think I am here for? I can't cancel it. I have to accept the proposal, I could do Nothing, about it"I said and it was true if I could I would have said no because I don't want you to get involved with someone like me again.

"As I told you before I am not going cancel the wedding if you have any problems be my guest and do it yourself and let me make it one thing clear too I am not dying to marry you to I am just doing it for my grandfather because it's his wish and I will full fill it whatever it's takes" you said 

I can see you are angry and want to beat shit out of me.but you were looking cute am I crazy..? thinking like that.

"If you have anything else you can tell me on the phone right I can't stand you any longer for now so I would take my leave let me know your thoughts that you are going to marry me or not '' you said 

And  stroked out of restaurant for a second I thought you at least would throw your drink at me but you didn't  I was seating there speechlessly you changed a lot  there was a time when you can't even talk to someone properly but now see you talking back like you own the world.i am falling for you more and more and like new confident you.


See you soon again ♥️


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