Kageyama x Reader

193 4 0

Titile: Dry Mop

[Your POV]

It's been a couple of months since I've been a first year in Karusuno Highschool.

The season now is winter.

"Get one and pass the test paper to the back." our math teacher instructed.

As soon as I received my test paper I laid my head to my desk.
Instead of answering the test I shut my eyes close.

'This feels so good.' I think to myself as I feel the cold air touch my skin.

[Time skip]

"Okay! Pass your test papers forward." I started to hear a faint voice of our math teacher calling out a name.


The faint voice of our math teacher started to sound louder and understandable.


I ignored our math teacher for a few minuets as my name was repatedly called.

After sometime, I started to open my eyes and lift my head away from my desk as I stared at our math teacher with blurry vision and sleepy eyes.

"(Y/n), your finally awake. Now... Pass your UNANSWERED test paper to me."

I stood up from my chair and lazily walked towards our math teacher and gave my test paper as I felt a few eyes on me and heard a few quiet chuckles.

"Including you Kageyama."

'Huh, who's that?' I think to myself as I turned my head to see who it is.

'Ahh, now I remember. He's my seatmate and we live the same street. Did he not answer his test paper as well?' I thought as Kageyama walked towards our math teacher and gave his test paper.

"(Y/n) and Kageyama, go to the teachers office later after class." our math teacher took his class records book and took his leave.

"Class dismissed."

Students from my class and other classes went off to the corridors, canteen, court, playgrounnd and some just even stayed at the classroom talking with their friends.

While I had to go to the teachers office along with my seatmate who seems to be a volleyball-freak (?).

[Flashback - Second POV]

During your break, you went off and explored the Karusuno school campus.

As you explored different areas in the campus you saw another gym which was used by the volleyball club.

Just when you were about to go near the volleyball gym you saw three upperclassmen and two first years, a tall first year and a really shor- i mean, an average height first year. (I love hinata okay?)

The tall first year had black hair while the other first year had orange hair, he was also kinda shorter than the tall first year.

You watched as the three upperclassmen shoved out the two first years off the volleyball court and slid close the sliding door.

You continued to watch as the tall first year started to yell stuff about volleyball, you turned around and decided not to enter the gym anymore as you minded your own business.

[End of flashback]

[Your POV]

'Well, at least I won't go to the teachers office alone.' I thought to myslef as I turned my attention to my seatmate, Kageyama.

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