Gin x reader

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Title: Cherry Blossom Tree

[Second POV]

It is spring.

'It's the season for spring. exciting.' You thought so.

You're a highschool student at the school nearby your subdivision and your mother works as a business woman while your father is out of town for his work.

Your mother has asked you to to do errands for her while she was busy.

"(Y/n), could you do me a favor and run an errand for me?"

You listened nonchalantly to your mother as she spoke.

You prepared some items you needed such as your phone (for calls and for directions/GPS) , an umbrella (in case it rains) and the papers your mother asked you to deliver.

You started to get ready to leave for the errand and left as soon as you finished.

[Time skip -Your POV]

"Finally! Time to get back home" I stretched my arms out and yawned as I took my leave.

I looked up to the sky to see dark puffy clouds ready to cry and decided to get home before it might start raining.

"I should get going."

As I was walking, I took out my phone to check for directions.

"Let's see." I opened my phone and just when I was about to click GPS my phone went black.

'Shoot!~' I thought to myself.

"I literally forgot to charge my phone." I face palmed myself as I took a step forward towards the forest.

"I-I'm pretty sure I went through this area." I said to myself in a nervous and quiet tone.

[Second POV]

You were still in the forest trying to retace your steps when you saw a stairscase in the forest. You  went towards the stairs so you could take a seat and rest for a while.

You carefully shoved away the tree vines from blocking your way until you made it.

You swept away the dust from the stairs with your hand and just when you were about to take a seat you saw a guy looking at a full bloomed cherry blossom tree. He had white hair and had a mask on.

His sight was absolutely gorgeous.

You could feel the warmth of spring as you stared at his sight.






You snapped out.

[Your POV]

Just when I was about to get comfortable I remembered that I was actually lost and snapped out the gorgeous sight.

Again, I saw a guy looking at a full bloomed cherry blossom tree.

He had white hair and had a mask on.

His sight.

'So gorgeous' I thought to myself. I snapped myself out again.

'That's right. I'll probably ask for directions.' I thought to myself as I walked forward towards him.

"Uhm, excuse me?" I said as I waited for him to turn around and face me.

The guy with the mask turned around a bit startled.

"S-sorry, I didn't mean to startle you."

The guy shook his head. "Can I help you? Are you lost?"

It was silent for a moment when suddenly I turned my head to the side not making eye contact and nodded in embarrassment.

"Haha-" I heard him let out a soft chuckle as I felt my face warm up and turned red in embarrassment.

He turned around and started walking as he spoke

"I see." I hurriedly catched up to him and and quietly walked as I followed behind him.

"A-are you showing me the way?" I asked in a curious tone while taking a peak of his mask.

He nodded in response and looked at the side. I tilted my head in confusion.

[Time skip brought to you by Hotarubi <3 ]

While we were walking I would stop for a moment and observe the pretty fowers and trees in the forest and because of that I always get left behind and almost lost sight of the guy who guided me the way out. [a.k.a mAsK gUy. Jk]

You catched up behind the guy.

"S-sorry, I saw something nice."

As I walked behind him I saw another full bloomed cherry blossom tree and stopped in my tracks.

I stared at the cherry blossom tree and after a quick moment,

I started to slowly lift both of my hands and slapped both sides of my cheeks.

"I'm probably gonna get left behind again..." I whispered to myself as I ran to catch up behind the guy.

Just when I was about to catch up I felt droplets of water pouring down heavily.

I took my umbrella out and walked beside the guy as I stretched out my arm so I could shelter both of us.

As we both kept walking I took a peak at the guy and as soon as he noticed he took the umbrella from me and held it instead, keeping us sheltered.

I felt my cheeks warm up as we continued to walk.

After some time, I kept walking forward as my focus was on the ground, when suddenly I notice the guy stop in his tracks.

I slowly looked up and saw a pair of stairs leading the way out of the forest. 'This is the path I took earlier. Finally.'

I smiled brightly and started to run down the stairs and when I forgot something, I stopped running.

As soon as i stopped running and turned to the guy, he was about to say something.

"Your umbrel-"

"What's your name?" i asked as i cut him off his sentence.

The guy titled his head a bit.

I waited for his response until he answerd.


"I see. What a wonderful name."

[Gin's POV]

She smiled with her eyes closed and spoke even when the raindrops fell on her face, even when her clothes started getting soaked.

"Keep that umbrella!"


"Thank you."

". . . . . . ."


"Let's meet again sometime."

She started to run down the stairs again.


She turned around and and this time she was the one to tilt her head in confusion.

"Your name."

She smiled once again and took her leave with her soaking wet clothes.


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