Sasuke x Reader

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Title: Doki. Doki.

[Second POV]

You were assigned by Lady Tsunade to do a mission together with the Team Kakashi.

You were really excited because you get to see your bestfriend Naruto and your friend Sakura there.

Once you and team kakashi met up you saw Sakura and decided to greet her before you greet Naruto.

You started approaching towards Sakura's direction when--- you saw Sakura beside Sasuke.

Sakura, who was obviously trying to get every second of Sasuke's attention to her was only paying attention to Sasuke and not the mission.

Due to that you decided not to greet Sakura and greet Naruto instead.

"Well, she is a sasuke-freak after all. It's not like she would even notice me no matter what I do." you sighed and started to jog towards Naruto.

"Naruto!" you called out to him as you started to catch up behind Naruto.

"Hey (Y/n)!" you smiled at Naruto and looked at your side.

There you saw Kakashi-sensei.

You greeted Kakashi-sensei with a big warm smile.

He then greeted you back with a nod along with a smile, although you couldn't see it because of his mask covering his mouth, you knew that he was greeting you with a friendly smile.

After I greeted Kakashi-sensei I turned my head to face forward and kept walking forward beside Naruto while we started talking.

[Your POV]

As me and Naruto talked about a few random ninja stuff I looked to my back to see Sakura still trying to get Sasuke's attention,

while Sasuke was just walking with a pissed and annoyed expression.

I turned my head to Naruto as I interrupted him speak

"Hey Naruto, I don't get whats with this Sasuke dude. Theres nothing to like about him. I mean-- he does look good, but his attitude pisses me of."

I said as Naruto's eyes started sparkling as if he TOTALLY agrees with me 100%.

"I know right! Sasuke is nothing compared to me, right?!" Naruto said enthusiastically as he started laughing.

[Time Skip - Second POV]

You and team kakashi arrived to the village Lady Tsunade has assigned.

"Lets split up by group and a pair, so this mission will be easier for us to complete." Kakashi-sensei stated as he scanned each one of us.

"(Y/n) will be paired with sasuke, while the rest of you will come along with me as a group." Kakashi-sensei said as he started to walk away.

Kakashi-sensei was followed by an excited Naruto and an upset Sakura.

Sakura was complaing at Kakashi-sensei on why she cant be paired with Sasuke instead.

You chuckled hearing Sakura complain childishly.

Soon then you turned your head to face Sasuke, but as soon as you took a look to your back you saw Sasuke really far away that after a few steps you might loose track of his sight.

An irk mark appeared right on the side of your forehead because you were pissed of sasuke leaving you behind when both of you were supposed to go as a pair.

[Your POV]

"Who does this sasuke-dude think he is, huh?!" I said to myself yelling a bit, but I made sure that Sasuke couldn't hear me from his distance.

"Tch, whatever." I sighed and started jogging over to sasuke before I loose sight of him.

As soon as I catched up to Sasuke I began walking and started to follow behind him.

After a moment of silence, I decided to cut it off with a sigh.

"Who in the world is in their right mind, leaving his pair behind?!" I slightly yelled as I glared at the back of Sasuke's head since I was behind him.

[Second POV]

Sadly Sasuke didn't respond or react a bit to what you have just said.

"Tch, fine." you said as you started to fasten your pace so you'll be in the lead while Sasuke falls behind you.

You focused your gaze to the sky as you put both of your hands at the back of your head.

'What an annoying brat.' you thought to yourself as you still gazed onto the sky not focusing or even taking a glance on the road ahead of you.

Suddenly you tripped on something and you felt yourself about to fall onto the ground.


"Ouch..." you whined in pain as you saw Sasuke stop in his tracks and looked at you with pity.

You expected him to give you a hand or something but he didn't, so you stood up from the ground all by yourself instead.

As you stood up Sasuke walked up to you.

You just ignored him by dusting your clothes.

"(Y/n)" you looked at him slightly feeling irritated.

As you looked at Sasuke, Sasuke brought out his right hand out of his pocket and started to align it to your bare forehead.


[Your POV]


"Look at where you're going."

Sasuke started to walk away, leaving me behind.


Me on the other hand, was frozen. Not even being able to move a single joint as I feel my cheeks heating up.

'Tch, casually flicking my forehead just like that.'


'Why am i even flustered?'

I laughed quietly to myself.

'Still, he shouldnt just casually flick me right on my forehead.'

I shook off all this flattery and started to catch up behind Sasuke.

Just when I was about to closen the gap between me and Sasuke, my feet suddenly stops.


'This is stupid.'

My face started to heat up again just like it did a while ago.

As my face lits red, i started to get annoyed because of being all too flattered.

'This really is stupid.'

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