Fukuzawa x Reader

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Title: Festival

[Your POV]

I was walking through the road heading back to the Armed Detective Agency Office since I finished my mission.

As I walked through the road a poster that was carried by the wind flew to my direction.

Before the poster could land on my face I took the poster with my hands.

I looked at the poster and read it.

'a festival tomorrow?' I thought to myself as I started debating wether I should bring this poster to the office and show it to the rest or not.

I ended up holding the poster with my hand and brought it with me as I head back to the office.

As soon as I arrived to the Armed Detective Agency.

I went inside our office. As I went inside I was greeted by everyone of them.

"Welcome back (L/n)" Atsushi welcomed me, I smiled at him and nodded.

Kyoko smiled at me as I returned a smile.

"Hey." Kunikida said as he removed his glasses so he can clean his lens, I smiled at Kunikida.

"How'd it go?" Ranpo asked as he fixed some piles of paper.

"It was fine." I said as I looked to Keiji, Naomi and Junichiro who greeted me with some coffee.

I smiled at them and sat on my desk. "Thank you."

"(L/n), are you hurt?! I'll be glad to help!" Akiko asked as she checked my body from head to toe.

"I'm fine."

"What's that in your hand (L/n)?" Dazai asked as he sat infront of me.

"Oh, this." I showed them the paper.

"Theres a festival tomorrow." I said nonchalantly.

"So Where's Fukuzawa?" I asked them as they all smirked.

"EhHh, (L/n) do you have a crush on him?" I felt my face turn red when we suddenly heard the office door open.

We turned around to see Fukuzawa coming inside our office.

"Let's have a day off tomorrow, how about lets all go to the festival.

Let's meet up at 6pm tomorrow." Fukuzawa said as he was about to leave the office, but he suddenly stopped.

"(Y/n), be on time okay? Your always late." Fukuzawa told me.

"I'll see." I said as I looked away from his gaze with a faint blush on my cheeks.

Fukuzawa then smiled at me and took his leave.

"So you do like hi--" dazai teased me but I cut his sentence off as I thew some papers at him.

Dazai started pouting as I focused back on my work.

[The next day]

I checked my watch and saw that it was 6:37.

I lazily walked to the area were we were supposed to all meet with my dark green kimono that had white flower patterns,

I had my hair down since I thought it was tiring to tie it up.

As I arrived to our meeting area I was expecting everyone to wait for me, but then I only saw Fukuzawa there.

He had a gray-ish green kimono on.

Just exactly the same kimono he wears everyday.

As soon as Fukuzawa saw me he waved his hand gesturring that he's right there.

I went to him and smiled.

"Were you also late Fukuzawa?" I asked him as he shook his head and let out a small laugh.

"I waited for you. I told you not to be late" as soon as I heard those words I felt my face warm up from embarrasment.

"Huh?" I said as I titled my head with my red cheeks.

"I said, I waited for you." he repeated what he said earlier and it made me blush even more.

"I see. Sorry, I was taking a nap and I ended up sleeping." I said as I avoided Fukuzawa's gaze.

"Its alright. Lets go." Fukuzawa said as both of us started walking through the crowd.

As both of us walked through the crowd, the crowd started to widen the distance between me and Fukuzawa.

"Fukuzawa!" I called out to Fukuzawa as I started to loose sight of him when I heard a someone sigh behind me.

I looked to my back and saw Fukuzawa.

I Jumped up a bit as I was startled by seeing Fukuzawa just behind me.

'I called Fukuzawa out in the crowd cause I thought I lost sight of him but he was just actually behind me. HOW EMBARASSING!' I thought to myself as I blushed in embarassment.

"S-sorry!" I said as I bowed my head.

Suddenly I felt something warm around my hand.

I looked up to Fukuzawa and back to my hand and watched Fukuzawa started to interwind his fingers in mine.

"Don't let go." Fukuzawa said as he started to walk and with our hands interwind.

I looked up at Fukuzawa and he immediately looked to the side avoiding my gaze.

As he avoided my gaze, I could see his cheeks tint red.

I then stopped walking which made Fukuzawa stop and face me.

"Hm?" Fukuzawa sounded curious.

I took Fukuzawa's other hand as I blushed.

Fukuzawa looked at me with his red cheeks.

"Dont worry, I wont let go." I said as I gave Fukuzawa a bright wide smile.

Fukuzawa's eyes widened.

He smiled softly at me and kissed my forehead.

My face started to turn really red while Fukuzawa just let out a small chuckle and smiled at me sweetly.

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