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I jump out of my chair at the deep sound.
Or at least attempt to.
What happens next is that my hoodie gets stuck which causes me to trip on my feet dragging the chair along with me to the ground. The worst part? I was having a milkshake which now happens to be soaking me wet.
Now if that's not embarrassing, what is?
"Whoa. Easy there." said the same voice.
I raise my head and see a guy with eyes blue as midnight and brown disheveled hair. He was muscular enough yet he gave the vibe of a lanky guy. He was cute.
He was wearing a Friends T-shirt with dark blue jeans and white sneakers. Really white sneakers.
He had his lips pressed together tightly in an attempt to not laugh. Only then did I realise that I was staring at him, without blinking, from down on the floor with a chair over me, chocolate milkshake soaking my hoodie wet along with marshmallows from my milkshake in my hair!
Talk about embarrassing!
I try to sit up but the chair on me makes it almost impossible. At last the Blue Eye Guy bends forward and pulls the chair apart from me. Stupid Chair!
I stand up and rub my palms in nervousness. After putting the chair aside he leans toward me, takes a piece of marshmallow from my strawberry blonde hair and throws it aside. Then comes the moment. HE LAUGHS!
I'm ashamed.
I'm glaring at him hard, still he makes no attempt to stop his laughter. But oh my god. His laughter, with his perfect lips, sharp jaw bones, slightly crooked teeth and a little flickering dimple on his left side, makes it just impossible to glare.
Eventually , my death glare turns to gawking like a stalker and later on I'm laughing along with him.
The sound of my laughter is strange to me and I realise just how less and less I had laughed in the last few months, since we moved here. To Stevens Point.
I have changed a lot here.
In life, school, family, basically everything was different back in Marshfield. High school was cool. A heaven. A not-hell unlike high school here. I used to have friends. Tons of friends. I wasn't shy. I was open. Free. Independent. In all, I had a life!
But, ugh.
Things change. People change. I changed. I did not have the tag of ' weird 'or 'invisible'. Instead I was invincible. But then again, it's a tag. Just a tag. I'm not indestructible. I can be destroyed. I was destroyed. I was broken. I am broken.
I snap out of my thoughts. I need to control myself. I can't just be lost in my deadly head every now and then.
I look at Mr. Cute, he is looking at me with his eyebrows raised as if waiting for an answer.
"Sorry. What?", I ask.
He laughs a deep breathy laugh in amusement and says,"I'm just asking are you okay? Like does it hurt?"
I try to concentrate to a source of pain but founding nothing, I say with a smile on my face ,"Yes, I'm fine, thanks. Also sorry you had to witness it,". I can already feel my cheeks burning and can only imagine the bright tomato red color that is probably present on my cheeks now.
"Oh. No worries. I actually enjoyed it quite a lot", he grinned.
I duck my head, cursing myself for cutting my hair in the pixie I'm sporting since I can't hide my blushing face beneath my hair.
He laughs and then bends a little to meet my eyes since he is tall, like really tall, and not quite my height. Not that I'm short, it's just he is tall-too tall. Now that we are eye to eye he whispers softly, "Hey, sorry! I didn't mean to embarrass you. I'm not the kind of guy to humiliate pretty girls,"
Pretty girls.
I blush again.
Is he flirting with me?
Why is he flirting with me? If that's, flirting that is.
Guys don't flirt with me. At least not now. I'm invisible. Weird. I used to be different, pretty with my long strawberry blonde hair loose around my shoulders, skinny blue jeans, colorful shirts, bright sundresses, light make-up. But I'm not anymore.
With my black clothes, pixie cut and no make-up look, I look different. Not ugly, but not beautiful either.
Mom says I've lost my charm, my aura and what makes me me. Maybe she's right. Maybe she's not. Maybe there's a chance I may change again, change back into my old self, the extrovert self, the one that didn't feel shy, the charming self.
Yes. I'll change or at least try to change back into my old self. I'll be the fearless Cassie again. I can be. I will be.
I need to get out of this ugly bubble. This bubble that makes me shy. Ugly(well not exactly but whatever). Invisible.
But first I need to get out of this ugly hoodie. God what possessed me? Why did I wear this? Ugh. Also its making me smell of chocolate, which apparently is the only good thing happening in my life right now. Since Mr. Cute is snickering wild over here. Oh dear, why did he have to have been here? Why?
Come on, Cassie! Get your shit together. Be proud. Let's change!
But first, let's handle Mr. Cute.
Hey there, readers!
I hope and wish you liked it. If you do please vote for me and if you don't, well, keep us notified about our faults cause seriously? Your opinion matters. Also please recommend it to others too!
The Idiosyncratic lady

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