*the dream*
"I'll go and grab some water. Do you want anything?", Mia asks us, me and her boyfriend, Matt.
We politely refuse. As soon as Mia leaves, Matt shifts so that he is facing me, closing a lot of distance between us. He has sandy blond hair and green eyes. I used to have a crush on him before he confessed to Mia.
"So...", He starts with a smirk on his face.
"Are you free the next night?"
"Uh. Yeah. Why?"
"You wanna maybe hangout or something?"
"Ooooh. I'd love to. Where are we going? Also...Is Levi joining us? Because, like, I don't wanna be the third wheel or something."
"Well, if he comes he'll be the third wheel"
"Huh? Wait, Mia said she has to attend a fundraiser or something with her parents tomorrow. How will she join us?"
"She's not. It'll be just you and me," he says as he closes the distance between us, his hand over my shoulder, his lips seconds apart from mine. I'm too shocked to move away just as...
"What. The. Hell?"
Matt breaks apart from me to look into Mia's eyes innocently. "Babe. Tell your friend to be away from me! I was minding my own business when she... She...I can't even say."
Mia looks me in the eye, hurt and anger filling them full.
"I-I d-dont know w-what he's s-saying...", I stammer but she had already grabbed her car keys and left snapping over her shoulders,"Don't make much noise, my parents may wake up and, believe me, they will be more than shocked to find you instead of me in my bed with my boyfriend!"
Darkness falls over again and it feels like I'm floating in infinity.
"Mia!", Exclaims a coarse voice.
I open my eyes at her name only to realise that the coarse voice belonged to me.
I see nothing but blank walls and a ceiling. I try to move but there are tubes holding me back. Oh. I'm in a hospital.
I try to remember something but all I find is Mia.
Ah. I was searching for Mom and Dad. They were not there. I fainted. Well, that fixes it.
I try to sit up but fail awfully. Just as I was about to call for someone, I see that a shadow peacefully laying on the couch nearby in my peripheral vision. I move my head in an attempt to see who the shadow belongs to but something happens and some device starts beeping. Beep. Beep. Beep.
I groan. Ugh. Why?
The shadow wakes up and beelines toward me. Wesley Evans. The shadow belonged to Wesley Evans.
Now. How did that happen?
"Cassie. How do you feel?" He asks all the while rubbing his eyes and yawning wide.
"Do you know who I am?"
I smile,"Ross Geller?", I joke.
"Ah. Sarcastic Cassie. You know you were so much better when you were unconscious. Well, just so you know, I'm Wesley Evans, your, ahem, saviour"
I snort. What? Saviour? My ass.
Though, he seemed offended. He put a hand on his chest and said, "Excuse me? If you don't believe me, ask your parents or even my parents!"
"Whatever. Anyways, why am I here?"
"Oh. Well you left one of those bags in my car and I came to give it back, only to find you unconscious and on the floor with no one in the house. So, I, being the gentleman I am, checked your pulse and all and then called the ambulance. They brought you here. I stayed at your house to inform your parents. Your father and I came here together to do the formalities. And, ta-da, here you are and here I am!"
"Oh. Well, why did I faint?"
His expression grew sad at that. He says, then, in a cracking but soft voice,"They believe you had a p-panic attack."
His head snaps up and he asks in a hard voice,"What do you mean, again?"
Oops. Guess I said that out loud.
"Cassie. I don't wanna know why this happened, all I'm asking is has it ever happened before?"
"Uh. Yeah...Well there's something that happened to someone I knew and that kinda made me scared and all and since then I've had like these few attacks. Like, I've had just three including this one, though this one is the only one in which I fainted. I don't know the process or anything just that I faint..."
His expressions soften and he sandwiches my hand in his big, big palms.
His palms are rough but comforting and my hand fits perfectly in those giants of a hand.
"Cassie. You know, if you ever feel the need to talk, I'm here. I may be a jock and may not have a nice reputation, but that doesn't make me any less of a human or a friend. I am your friend, right?"
"Right. In fact, a good one. Thank you!", I answer without a second thought and feel myself blushing the second the words leave my mouth.
He also blushes a little and then stands up abruptly, "I'm gonna go and inform your parents you are awake, okay?"
I nod.
My parents. Time to face them.

Teen FictionMeet Cassie Burns, a ' weird ' girl, she's got everything yet nothing. She's cute but hidden beneath a veil of shyness. She was popular once but not anymore. She is funny but has no one to share her humour with. She is so innocent it makes her guilt...