School starts again tomorrow.
Me and Wesley are really nervous since this is like a new start for us together.
Since school starts, today is our last day at the job.
We enter the shop together and leave together everyday. We do the same today.
We have a fun day. There weren't many customers so we had an eternity to make out.
I have confidence in my relationship with Wes and I'm not in fear of its end anymore. I've decided to let go of my past, not think about the future and live in the present. And I'm doing pretty well.
I lean toward Wesley and kiss him. He kisses me back eagerly.
He puts his arms around me leans down to my ear and whispers in the softest voice, "Cassie Burns. I think I'm done with falling for you. I'm officially in love with you now. I love you, marshmallow, I love you!"
Oh, god. I've been waiting for this too long. I don't think twice before answering, " I love you, too, Wesley Evans. I love you too."
We smile up at each other, knowing much too well that we have taken our relationship to a whole new level.
Here, wrapped in the arms of Wesley, seeing the sun set with him in his shop, 'Marshmallowing Our Ways', I realize that whatever happens to us I don't care. The sun always sets, even the brightest of suns dissolves in the darkness of night, that just about proves that no relationship last. None. But one often forgets that even in the dark night there exists a moon with its own exotic beauty. My relationship with Wesley will never last forever but I know for a fact that I'll always love him with at least a small part of my heart if not the whole, because the moons beauty is nothing but a reflection of sun's brightness and I believe that will become the light I would need in the darkness that comes.
The middle is the most beautiful part of the day and this thing we have going till the end is that middle, the beautiful and bright middle, of our lives. I don't care anymore because we have already marshmallow'd (read sweetened) our lives with making them connected and together and it'll stay that way for a long, long time.Hey there!
First, yaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
I did it, y'all, I did it. Cassie and Wesley got together and had a new start to their relationship and life. That's amazing, right? The main topic here is that...
Now, comes the question for the bazillionth time... DID. YOU. LIKE. IT?
Please, please, please! Tell me! I'm dying right here because I wanna know baadddd.
Love,The dying idiosyncratic ladyy
who just wrote a freaking book!***

Teen FictionMeet Cassie Burns, a ' weird ' girl, she's got everything yet nothing. She's cute but hidden beneath a veil of shyness. She was popular once but not anymore. She is funny but has no one to share her humour with. She is so innocent it makes her guilt...