Chapter 3

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For the rest of the day I couldn't stop thinking about what Grace had said about me being too fat. It was stuck in my mind like gum on a shoe. It wouldn't leave me. That afternoon I went home crying to my mom, Tammy. She asked "whats wrong Bethers?" I responded, "the girls at school wont leave me alone and I'm sick of it!" "BETHANY I'M SICK OF THESE GIRLS TORMENTING YOU EVERY SINGLE DAY! I AM GOING TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS!" my mom exclaimed. I was too mad and too sad to argue with her to not get involved so I ran up into my room, threw myself in my bed and cried into my pillow for a good 10 minutes, before my sister, Briddy came in and asked me what was going on. I told her everything that happened at school. Briddy and I had a really close relationship so it was easy to just let my feelings out. She understood everything, because she was also bullied in middle school. The coincidental part is that Grace's older sister is the one who bullied Briddy. 

When my dad Tony got home from work, we all ate dinner. Of course my mom made me tell my dad what went on at school. This was my third time telling the story so I was pretty much over it at this point. My dad and my mom had told me that they were going to have a talk with my principal on Saturday, which was tomorrow. I knew exactly what the talk was about to. HOMESCHOOLING!! I could finally learn without having to be bullied or judged, and I could finally eat lunch at an actual table.

After dinner I went back into my room and got ready for bed because it was pretty late at this point. When I woke up my mom and dad were already gone, talking to my principal.

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