Chapter 13: An IICONIC Victory!

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Billie and I walked into RAW after my suspension ended. She was confident again, just like she was before this whole debacle.

People were looking at her in disgust, but I gave them pissed off looks, and no one really wants to anger the guy standing taller than most doorframes.

My segment was, once again, the Kevin Owen's Show, because he and I had good comedy chemistry last time. Billie walked me to the curtain, where I gave her a kiss and went out to the Show.

The cameras hadn't started yet, but we were already set up, and I decided not to do my entrance this time.

The pyro went off as soon as I sat down. Kevin gave me a fist bump, and after a second, the camera went to him, holding a black KO cup and a mic.

"Hello everyone, and welcome back to the Kevin. Owens. Show." He said, to loud cheers from the crowd.

"Tonight, I have a very special guest. He was suspended for severely injuring his opponent at Money at the Bank, but he's back, and he's going after the Universal Championship. It's PJ Apocalypse!" Kevin said, then gestured to me. I smirked at the crowd and gave them all a wave. I had no face paint this time, just normal me.

"Now, Mr Apocalypse, I would like to get straight into the heavy stuff with you. Do you have any strategy for Brock Lesnar at Summerslam?" He asked me, so I took a sip of my drink and looked at him curiously.

"Yeah, I do." I told him, but didn't elaborate. He stared at me for a second, then gestured for me to keep going.

"Brock has a glass jaw and thin wooden legs, and I'm gonna break both." I told him, so he looked kind of surprised. I took another sip of my drink.

"So your to attack the legs, I get that...but also to punch him?" He asked judgingly, so I raised my fist to his face, showing how big it was.

" know what? I think that'll work." He told me, so I chuckled and put my cup down. He leaned back, mic still to his mouth.

"You know, I've been wondering, as have...many people here, I'm sure. What exactly goes on in your head when you're in the ring?" He asked me, so I thought for a second, cup up near my chest.

"You know, that's a difficult question Kevin. Many things are going through my head when I'm fighting. But if I had to summarise it all in one word..." I said, and then thought for a second.

"...Decimate." I told him with conviction. His eyes widened, and he leaned back again.

"Well...that's intimidating...anyway, next question. Many people have predicted that you will defeat Brock at Summerslam. Thoughts?" He asked me, pointing his cup at me, and then taking a sip. Before I could answer his question though, Brock Lesnar's music began. We both looked over our shoulders at the stage, and saw him walking out of the backstage area with Heyman, who had a mic.

"Hello Mr Apocalypse. I've been waiting for this moment, for a long...LOONG time..." Heyman told me, so I stood up and walked over to the ropes, stage side.

"I must say, you are much taller than I had previously thought." He told me, but my face didn't budge, I was just starting at Brock's title.

"Mr Apocalypse, at Money in the Bank, you decimated Hulk Hogan. Before then, you decimated many men, including that fake king guy. But, when it comes to Pure, Unadulterated, CARNAGE! No one can hold a candle to your REIGNING! DEFENDING UNDI-" He began singing Brock's praise, but I cut him off.

"Shut the hell up Paul, I have no interest in talking to you. You're not the guy I'm fighting at Summerslam." I told Heyman, then looked at Brock's ugly face, seeing him scowling at me.

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