Don't fall for me

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The next day was as usual. I woke up, had my breakfast and got ready for college.
" Good morning sweetheart" mom said as she yawned.
" Good morning mom. I am late for my college , I'll see you in the evening. Bye!!" I said as I hugged her.
Then I headed to my stop. On my way I remembered last night where Daniel was just beside me. We walked side to side and I remember him arranging his hair time to time. His smile.
" Don't think too much . He is just Sam's friend and nothing else." I comforted myself. I reached my stop and got on the bus. I got a call form Sandra.
"Are you already on the bus??"
" Yes I'm in just now. Why?? Are you late again?" I asked .
" No I'm not. Sam's here to pick me up . I'll be coming with Sam ." She said shyly.
" Ohh !! I forget that now my best friend is someones girlfriend. Don't worry I'll be fine, you enjoy" I said.
" Just cross the road properly and don't fed the stray dogs they maybe be harmful sometimes" she worryingly said.
"Okay okay. I know . Bye" I hung up the phone.
I love dogs. But I'm not allowed to keep one at home because my mom don't want one. Everytime I see stray dogs, I always feed them and arrange a shelter for them. Sandra used to help in going so. But today she is not here, I guess I'll have to do it alone.
I got down the bus and next to the stop, on the footpath I saw a small puppy. I really find it cute. I pick up the puppy and sat on the park bench nearby. I fed it with some chips that I had in my bag. It happily ate it. I feel happy too when I can help the needy ones. I patted the puppy and I got up.
" Chips are not good for the puppies, you can feed this cookies" someone said from behind.
I turned around to see who it was. He was tall guy with specs and books in his hand. To my surprise he was my classmates and the most popular guy in my class , as he was good looking and good at studies as well. His name was Samuel.There were many girls who liked him. He has a stud kinda attitude, always flirting with all the girls and changed his girlfriend twice a month. He has a cool dude kinda image in the college.
" Don't be surprised. I'm your classmate only. Feed it with these cookies." he said as he winked at me.
" You can feed it yourself, if you want to . I'm getting late for the class." I glared at him and left.

I don't know why guys are so weird. Like how can he flirt with every girl he met. He is very weird.

Finally with all the braveness I crossed the road and reached my college. Sandra was already there waiting for me.
" I was so worried for you. But why are you so late."she said.
"Maybe because she was with me" it was Samuel who spoke.
I glared at him and said" I wasn't with you. We just happen to met on the road."
" I guess we would met everyday then" he winked again.
" Don't you dare play those cheap tricks on my best friend. If I find you causing trouble to her I will literally kill you " Sandra said angryly.
" I will just try my luck. But it's her responsibility not to fall for me" he smiled and entered the class.
" Is he mad or what. Why would I fall for him?" I said as I looked at how angry Sandra was.
" Calm down. You know he's like that. Don't spoil you mood. Let's go." I hugged her and hold her hands as we entered the class.

After all those boring lectures the class was finally over.
" Okay babe. I'll see you at the entrance" Sandra said on the phone.
" My best friend is so busy that she doesn't have time for me. Again going on date??" I made a cute face .
" can I have no time for you. It's not date, we are just going for lunch and Sam invited you as well." She arranged her bag.
" No I won't come. I don't want to disturb my best friend's date. You go and enjoy."
" Daniel is also coming, so you'll have company and maybe both of you will get to know each other better. Or probably you can fall in love!!" She put her hands around my neck.
" What rubbish." I pinched her.
" So you coming or not??" She asked.

I don't know why but I really wanted to go. Is it because of Daniel.will I really fall in love with him.
" Hey! Where are you lost. Are you coming or not" she shaked me as I was lost in my thoughts.
" It's just that........ Ill come cause I never say no to food" I winked at her.
We went at the entrance as I could see both Sam and Daniel waiting for us on their bikes. Both of them looked so cool. Sandra hurried and sat behind Sam. I looked at Daniel, he smiled at me and so did i. I went towards him.
" See we met again." He said as he put his helmet on.
" Come sit , we are ready to go"
I nodded at sat behind him.
" Hold tight for you may fall" he said.
I grabbed his bag which he was carrying and we were off to go.

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