Chapter 2

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"What?!" I ask, sounding a little too loud.

"Yeah! I was going to the bar to get us the drinks, and then I saw a security guy who's part of the band's security team and I asked him if he could get us backstage. He said he couldn't, but I insisted, and then Dominic came out of the dressing room and he saw me. He, himself, asked me if we wanted to go to some party they're having backstage!" She explains it too me with probably one of the biggest smiles I've ever seen and I'm just standing there, with my mouth on the floor.

"What? I... I think he just invited you, you can go if you want, I'll go home, I don't mind." I say trying to look for an excuse to get away from there running.

"No, Sam... I'm not going without you, I'm sure they won't mind if you come. They always love when beautiful girls go to the backstage." She says it with a dirty smile on her face.

"Oh, Claire, I don't know. We don't know these guys, it could be dangerous."

"Come on, Sam! There's security everywhere. If we don't like what we see, we can get out of there anytime, you just say the word. But please, let's try it, I really wanna go!" She begs me with a puppy look on her face and it's impossible to say no.

"Ok. But it will be quick, ok? We'll just say hi to them and then we'll go home."

"Ok! I promise, let's go!" She pulls me by the arm and we're almost running on our way to the backstage.

Too many people. The place is a little bit noisy and there are too many people on some kind of small saloon at the backstage. It is indeed a party, but not the one I had on my mind. There's some music playing and people talking to each other in groups. There's a table with food, like a buffet, and there's a small bar by the corner, where there's a barman serving drinks. There are some couches against the walls with some people seating on and talking. Guys who I recognize from the band with at least five girls on their laps. They're all over them. And everyone else is just talking and eating and drinking. Nothing abnormal. Nothing abnormal for a rock band.

Claire was by my side and on the next minute, she wasn't. She spotted Dominic, who saw her and called her out. So she almost ran to him and left me there.

Oh no.

I feel like I was left inside a cage with wild animals who are about to attack me and eat me alive at any second.

I just stand there, static. Looking around, trying to understand what's going on around me and trying to recognize anyone who could save me from that place.

And I see him.

The lead singer, Ian, is standing close to the bar talking to some guy. He has a beer in his hand and he's wearing a long dark blue, almost black, coat that goes all the way to his knees. He's wearing the same black pants he was wearing at the show, but he changed his shirt. This one is also black, but it doesn't seem to have its sleeves cut off. His hair is wet, like he was just in the shower, and he's putting it behind his ears. He doesn't look like he's very interested in what the guy is saying and he looks bored. He turns around, like he's looking for something better to watch instead of listening to that guy talk... and then, he sees me. His eyes widen a little bit and he frowns. And he doesn't stop, he keeps looking at me, frowning endlessly and not paying a single attention to what the guy is saying. My eyes are trapped in his again, I can't let go, I can't stop looking at him and he just stays there, staring at me.

Then, I wake up from my imprisonment and feel someone pulling me by my arm. It's Claire. "Come, Dominic wants to meet you!"

I'm being dragged by my arm without a warning of any kind, and when I realize, I'm standing in front of a very handsome man with eyes that are too blue for a normal human being.

He has a short blond hair, but not as blond as Claire's, a little bit darker. He's wearing a white shirt with cut off sleeves, black jeans and black boots.

"Dominic, this is Samantha Skye, my cousin. Sam, this is Dominic Thorne." Claire introduces us, sounding too excited and with that huge smile on her face again.

"Hello, Miss Skye. How are you?" He smiles at me, but his smile doesn't reach his eyes. It's like his faking smiling at me. But why? I didn't even say anything.

"Hello. I'm fine and you?" It's the only thing I can manage to say. Just answer what they ask you and you'll be okay.

"I'm fine too. Great, actually, after a great show. Oh, did you enjoy the show, by the way?" He asks me trying to sound polite, but his smile still doesn't reach his eyes.

"Yes! I love it, you guys are amazing. Congratulations." I answer trying to sound normal.

"I'm glad you liked it." He doesn't say anything else and he keeps smiling with that smile. I just smile back, not knowing what to say.

And I freeze.

The lead singer appears out of nowhere and stands by Dominic's side, staring at me, without saying anything.

"Ian, this is Samantha Skye. Miss Skye, this is my brother, Ian Thorne."




They're brothers?!

I realize my mouth opens slightly with my recent discovery. Ian gives a little smile, that reaches only the corner of his lips, and I can see his amused by my expression.

"And this is Claire Sommers." Dominic continues, pointing at Claire. Ian only takes his eyes of me to look at Claire and he smiles.

"Hello, Miss Sommers. Miss Skye." He looks back at me and smiles. This time, he gives me a normal smile, a smile that reaches his eyes, and he doesn't seem to be faking it. For the first time in the entire night, he gives me a normal smile, that actually seems honest and... sweet, this time.

"It's just... Samantha." I answer, trying to smile back, but it's hard when he's staring at me. He only takes his eyes off of me to look at Claire again, who starts to speak.

"You can call me Claire too. It's very nice meeting you, I'm such a huge fan of the band!" Claire says, too excited.

He gives a simple smile. "Thank you. Did you enjoy the show tonight?"

"Yes, it was amazing. I think I sang to every lyric." Claire says, sounding very proud.

He gives a little smile again, looking amused.

"Yes, I saw that." And he turns to me. "What about you, Miss Skye? Did you enjoy the show?" He asks with the same little smile, but this time, there's something in his eyes. He looks... interested.

"It's Samantha... And yes, I did. You're very talented." I answer, trying to sound polite.

He doesn't say anything, he just stares at me with that corner smile again.

Dominic interrupts the staring, sounding a little bit uncomfortable.

"Er... Would you guys like to meet the rest of the band?"

"Yes, absolutely!" Claire almost shouts, excited.

"You guys go ahead, I think I'm gonna get Miss... Samantha, a drink. She seems thirsty. Would you like a drink, Samantha?" He asks me, putting too much emphasis on my name, and giving that little corner smile.

"Yes, please." I say, a little bit too low for my voice. I forgot how thirsty I was, I think Claire forgot to get the drinks she went out to get... clearly.

"Walk to the bar with me." He smiles and leads the way.

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