Chapter 10 - Part Two

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I realize that there's no line in front of the place, only two security guys at the door, standing impeccable on their positions. Ian takes my hand and only nods at one of the men standing there.

"Good evening." Ian says politely.

"Good evening, Mr. Thorne." Says one of the guys, opening the door for us.

But wait, the security guy knows him?

And... No ticket? Nothing? Anyone can just get inside?

When we enter the place, I can see that it's really crowded, even though there's no line outside. You can't see much because of the dark, but I notice that the whole place has black walls covering it, and there are no visible windows. The only lights are the ones at the bar and on the dancefloor, reflecting non-stop at the people dancing like crazy. But even so, it still looks pretty much like a normal club to me, but only more expensive.

That was my thought, of course, until someone bumps into Ian and says:

"Hey, Thorne! Long time no see, man!" And holy shit, it's Adam Levine from Maroon 5.

"Hey, Adam. What's up? I didn't know you were in Miami." Ian says, giving a hug on his – apparently – friend.

"Yeah, I just flew in a few hours ago. I even looked for you here at the club, thought you weren't coming."

"Yeah, actually I wasn't, but I had a change of plans." I realize I'm practically hiding behind Ian when he pulls me to stand beside him. "Adam, this is Samantha Skye. Samantha, this is Adam Levine."

Holy shit.

Holy f-ing shit.

I try to grab my mouth back from the floor but even still I can't make words come out of my mouth, I just stand there paralyzed in front of him.

Adam laughs a little and realizes I won't be able to say anything, so he starts.

"Hi, Samantha, it's nice to meet you." He smiles and lifts his hand, waiting for me to shake it.

I find forces to stand my hand too and shake his. "It's nice to meet you too."

It's the only thing I manage to say.

Adam laughs and turns to Ian. "She's not from around, is she?"

"Yeah, no, she's not." Ian answers, laughing a little too.

"I can see that. But well, she's pretty." Adam continues.

I think I'm going to die.

Adam Levine just said I was pretty. And I didn't even care about the fact that they were talking about me like I wasn't even there.

"Yeah, I know she is." Ian says it and he turns to me, giving me a smile so sweet that makes me forget how nervous I was. I smile back at him, realizing I'm starting to flush again.

Then Adam breaks the silence. "Well, I guess I'll just leave you two then. Have fun tonight, and it was nice meeting you, Samantha."

"Oh, it was nice meeting you too." I manage to smile at him somehow.

He smiles back and turns to Ian again. "I'll talk to you later, man. When you're not so... busy."

Ian laughs. "Sure, I'll see you later."

And the so amazingly-incredibly-beautiful Adam Levine leaves us, making me feel like I miss him already even though I've just met him for like, a minute.

I realize Ian is staring at me and laughing, I had no idea I was following Adam with my eyes, watching him leave.

"Don't worry, you will meet other interesting people here tonight. You should prepare yourself." He smiles and puts his hand on my waist. "Come on, let's take a walk around."

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