Chapter 13 - Part Two

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After buying everything, I rush back to the hotel to get ready for the show. Since the clothes have already been picked up, I don't have to overthink too much about what I'm gonna wear. I just take another quick shower – after walking around the entire mall trying to look for clothes, I needed it – and do what I normally do, simple make up and straight hair. I wanted to do the waves again in my hair, since he called me Ariel again – I roll my eyes – but I took too long at the mall and he said in the note he was gonna send someone to pick me up at 8 p.m.

And let's face it, if I even tried to do my hair like the woman in the saloon did, it would take me all night and I would hopelessly fail.

I put on the white dress and dress up with the long black boots. The dress shows every curve on my body and makes my breasts pop out a bit. It's not tight enough to make me look like a whore – thank God – but sure as hell makes me feel sexy. It's a little hard to walk these boots' heels, but well, I have to start getting used to heels anyway.

I take a last look at myself in the mirror, barely recognizing the woman in great clothes before me. If a modern Rita Hayworth looked at me, she'd be proud.

I smile at the thought, feeling proud of myself, until my cellphone starts to ring. I pick it up in my cool metal handbag, but I don't recognize the number.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Miss Samantha Skye?" A hoarse, but polite, voice comes out in the other way of the line.

"This is she."

"My name is Andrew, Mr. Thorne asked me to drive you to the festival."

Oh, it's 7:55 p.m. He's early.

"Hmm, okay. I'll be right there."

"Yes, ma'am."

I turn off the phone, take one last look to the mirror while taking a deep breath before heading myself to the door. It's time.

The park where the festival is happening is a little far from the city, it takes about 30 minutes to get there. As soon as we arrive, Andrew gives me a backstage free pass card that says "THORN VIP", that apparently gives me free pass to everywhere I wanna go behind the show.

"Mr. Thorne told me to walk you directly to the backstage, so we're gonna go through the backdoor, that way, you won't have to pass through the crowd." Andrew talks like he's about to go on a mission to protect the president.

"Oh, ok." I answer, feeling like I'm the Rockstar myself with my own personal security guard.

He leads the way, but walks by my side, looking everywhere around like someone's about to assault us and he needs to get ready for it.

I barely see the festival, since I'm going through the backdoor, but I can hear it. There's a huge crowd not far from it, they are screaming wildly and there's music playing loud. I think there's another band already on the stage playing. I can also see the lights coming from the festival, dancing around in the sky in every color. It makes me want to turn around so I can see it more closely, it sounds so amazing. But before I even think about it, Andrew is already pushing me through the gray backdoor corridor.

There are other security men there and there are women with headphones walking around the backstage, with worried looks on their faces. I can see that there are a few rooms, with band's names on the door, some of which are open, and some are not. There are also a few band members in the corridor, talking and warming up to enter the stage. One of them, a guy with short black hair and black eyeliner, with drumsticks on his hands, stares at me from top to bottom and blinks at me.

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