Chapter 6

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"Which one?" Claire asks me holding two dresses in her hands, one is red and the other is black. They're both a little small and they'll probably look very tight in her body.

"The black one." I point at the dress in her left hand.

"Yeah, I think the red one says too much of "I want to give it to you tonight". She laughs. "The black one is simpler, thank you." She smiles.

I smile back. "You're welcome."

We made peace last night after I promised her to go to this show today. She's been excited about tonight all day long. We went to the beach again this morning and then we went shopping so she could by new clothes for the 'big event'.

I'm staring at my suitcase and I have no idea what to wear. Even though I bought new clothes for me last night, I didn't get anything that would be wearable for this occasion. I was so excited for Miami, but I'm not excited at all for this show. All I can think about is running away and getting inside the first plane I see. Miami was supposed to be a place so I could relax, but it's hard to relax with that guy staring at me weirdly all the time and driving me crazy.

Oh, I can sense that tonight will be anything but relaxing.

"Oh, I have the perfect dress for you." Claire says, excited, while she goes look for something inside her bag.

She takes out a white middle size dress that had a delicate look to it. Claire and I have about the same figure, but she has more breasts than I do.

"Here. This dress is too small for my breasts, I don't think I'll be wearing it anymore. But it will look great on you." She comes closer to me, taking me to the mirror and hanging the dress in front of my body, analyzing how it would look.

"It's beautiful. Thank you." I smile, holding the dress.

I let out my breath, feeling hopeless and knowing I have no other choice but going to this show. Claire would push me to it if I say I'm not going anyway.

I have no choice but to start putting on my dress.

We finish getting dressed, Claire helps me put on my make-up, she always does a great make up, I asked her to do something simple, but I still could never put out something like that.

"What do you think?" She asks me after she's finished putting lip gloss on my lips and turning me to the mirror to see how I look.

Wow. I look great.

"It looks great, you're an artist." I smile at her and she laughs. I wear my hair straight down so I won't bother Claire asking her to also do my hair and we stare at each other in the mirror for another while. Even though I look great, the blonde woman next to me, with her amazing wavy hair, looks stunning. She has a lot more make up on her face than I do, but she looks like she's about to walk on a Victoria's Secret Fashion Show.

"Come on, let's go!" She smiles sounding excited and starts to pull me by my arm. I grab my purse and my black leather jacket quickly and we're out the door.

Now I understand why the place is called The Silver Tower. I think it has to be probably the tallest building in the city... and it's made of glass.

My jaw drops open while I stare at the huge building in front of me, lifting my head up to see where it ends. Claire is by my side, laughing at my expression.

"I know, right? Everybody talks about this place. I think you can probably see this building from anywhere in Miami. I've always wanted to come here, but it's too expensive." Claire says with a glow in her eyes, also staring at the building.

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