Chapter 3👑

74 7 15

UAE Abu-Dhabi

Nawfal's pov

Today is Sunday but I will still go to the mall because am still investigating on file number 005, hearing the name itself make my heart beat like a talking drum but it's Nawfal ibn tariff Kayden we are talking about, I almost lost everything because of that file, but I can't give up giving up was never in my dictionary and it will never be,they are only certain important people in my life in which they have ever seen me in the most weakest point of my life.....
My life
My life
My life
people think because I am Nawfal ibn tariff Kayden the heir to the Kayden's
To them it actually mean I get everything I want and I most be the most happy living parson in the universe but it's otherwise, my parents haleefah and moh they are the only ones and then Sha..y..y..Sha or shayysha
My shayysha I miss you so much I pull my hair out of frustration and then I heard the royal guard singing out loud and pressing me.....
"Our king the king of Kings you are a prince but you are being call with a king our future king "I glared at the Royal guard for saying that" if a girl see your face she won't be able to resist you,
she close her eyes she will see your face she falls asleep she will dream of you she wake up from her beauty sleep she will see your face even The men can't compete with you there for you are far better than them because you are the king of Kings the favorite grandson of the two kingdoms, your heart is as pure as a Cristal ,our king our king.....Slowly but beautifully our king just like a beautiful peacock"I rise my hand as an indication for them to keep quiet I mean did they really call me a peacock.

I quickly jug into the main door as I pass a very big parlor decorated in Ash and black, jugging to the elevator was more easier cause I actually don't think I can jug up to the third floor considering the bad mood am in now and yes my on part of the house is on the third floor just on time the door to the elevator widely opened,

I jug trow the hallway and turned to the left instead of the right I need to check on my baby I promise to take her out but not any more why because of the 005's how could they be hiding in my on mall and I was looking for them some way else... I come across a very big silver door
I press the ringing bell as I wait eagerly for Emily to opened the door I drip into a very deep thought the thought about my dream..........

"Sir king you are here"said Emily who sounds Surprise I mean who wouldn't I never follow this door I always follow the door that link me to this part of the house..

"Welcome home sir king"she said again sounding nervous I hissed rise my hand and said "you talk to much" .

I left but I heard her murmuring something to her self about queen princess I ignored the hell out of her as I come across a very big lemon green and orange parlor my shaysha's favorite color leaving the parlor I came across two beautiful white door's facing each other, at the far end of the Corridor is a silver door which will link you to my on part of the house,

I opened one of the white door's, getting into the room is a beautiful room decorated in pink and white and a little bit of red here and there because of her Love for what is the name again miraculous lady bear, yh that's the name if I can remember i smiled when I saw her sleeping figure hugging a big baby doll design in the same miraculous lady bear, I so much hate this cartoon because it reminds me about my on secret, on top of her bed is a big star decorated in pink and white, in the star is NAKSHIFA written boldly, by the left side of the star is an arrow pointing at a name written boldly "queen princess" and a heart "SAIFA" written boldly in the same color as the star all the three names are arranged in a sideway looking so beautiful and cute just like the owner.

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