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i was walking down the aisles of the supermarket, getting my groceries for the week. when i felt the vibrations in my pocket, i fished out my phone and a smile formed on its own. excitedly, i answered and put up the phone against my ear. "taehyung! i missed you so much," i moved myself forward to the cashier and let them do their work. "areum! guess what!" he spoke from the other side.

his excited voice was making me anticipate what was going to leave his lips next. "i can finally hold my own exhibition! isn't that so cool. i would finally be able to show everyone my art!" taking the bags away from the counter, i searched for my car. "really? taehyung i'm so happy for you! you did it!" i placed the bags inside the car and got into my seat, fastening the seatbelt. "i know!" i could imagine him balling his hands to fists and excitedly waving them around. "don't forget about me when you become famous okay?" he chuckled from the other end. "how could i ever forget you. you're my baby," i sighed dramatically. "i. am. not. kim. taehyung. "

his deep laugh echoed. "sure, whatever you say," i rolled my eyes but the smile was still on my lips. "alright, bye. i'm going drive. talk to you later?" he hummed. ending the call, i started driving off back home. it was quite late at night and the sky was dark. the stars were scattered across and the moon accompanied them. it was a beautiful night.

walking back inside home, i moved to the kitchen, placing all the groceries to its respective places. "i'm so tired, god," i pinched my forehead and placed my hands down on the counter. "i have to cook dinner too," i groaned. "or maybe i'll just order takeout," i smiled, happy with my decision. after placing an order for chinese, i sat down and played with the flowers. "be a writer, they said. it'll be fun, they said," i sat up straight, my face blank. "actually. be a writer, I thought. it'll be fun, i thought," i sighed.

when the doorbell rang, i ran towards it. yes, i ran. its food and i'm hungry. thanking the delivery man, i took the bag from his hand and settled myself on the couch. turning on the tv, i flipped through the channels, stopping on 'hello counselor'. taking a dumpling, i bit into it, letting the flavors dance along my tastebuds. i searched for the dip but there was none to be found. "he forgot the dip. i made sure to tell them that no matter what these two should be together. what's a dumpling without its dip?" i continued my rambles about the combination.

the doorbell rang once again and i stood up from my seat so fast, i might've just choked on my food. it should be the delivery guy to give me the dip. the one he forgot about. life is always good when you have good food. what's the point of living if you aren't going to eat?

i swung open the door with the brightest of smile. "you forgot the- yeonjun?!" there he was completely drunk once again. he lazily looked up at me and gave a lopsided smile. "hellllooooo areummmm!" he frowned right after. "it's you," he looked down in disappointment. "well it's my house, surprise!" i mumbled. "anyyyywayyy," he pushed me away and made his way in. he repeated the same action as the other night.

when i made my way over to the drunk man, he sat up straight and glared at the food in front. "what are you doing here in my space," he dragged out the 'my'. his space? really? bro this is my house. he pushed the food away and put his legs up. i gasped at the situation. "you! you just pushed away my food. what am i going to eat now?" i huffed out in annoyance. "oh shut up! you're so loud," he groaned and laid down more comfortably on the couch. he kicked off his shoe, one of them come flying towards me. "hah! you almost got hit!" he laughed but it soon died down when he passed out right then and there.

another night, the same old drunken man, i'm alone, i don't know what to do. life's amazing. its going just right.

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