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i groaned and dropped my head down onto the table. my brother and his lovely friends including jeongguk decided to bring me to a party where i know no one. why? because he wants me to get out of my blanket burrito and get myself dressed. this is just great. at least there was no alcohol. or was there? i brought the cup of coke to my lips letting the fizzy drink burn down my throat. is it just me or do fizzy drinks really do create that burning sensation?

i looked around the room trying to find for any familiar faces. i can't even find the people who brought me here. i wanted to cry. how could they leave me alone? me an introvert who cannot talk with strangers is sitting alone in an unknown house. anything could happen to me. where did my protective brother go? i stood up and searched through the many bodies dancing around. not a single one of them could be found and then my eyes met jeongguk's. he was with a guy around my age maybe a little younger. he winked at me and gestured to the boy next to him. i chuckled and moved forward continuing my search.

a hand came in contact with my wrists and i smiled in relief thinking it could've been anyone of those 3. "hi there," a husky voice whispered in my ear. i shivered at the closeness. "excuse me sir," i tried getting out of his grip but he pulled me back. "dance with me baby," i could smell he was drunk. "sir please let me-" he turned me around, my body now pressed against his. "shh you talk too much," he put a finger on my lips and i moved my head away so his finger didn't touch my lips. my hands tried it's best to remove his hands from my hips. he started getting closer to my face and i closed my eyes at the smell of the alcohol. he moved his head towards my neck. a light sloppy kiss pressed on it. "your skin is so soft," his hands roamed around my back and i hit his chest multiple times but he didn't budge. he finally pulled away, his eyes now showing fury. "why won't you just have some fun with me?" he dragged me away towards god knows where. i tried signaling jeongguk to help me but he seemed too engrossed in flirting with the boy next to him.

i winced in pain at the tight grip on my wrist. fingers wrapped around my free wrist pulling me towards them. the man brought me behind his back, his hand still holding mine. the warmth of his hand and the softness was all too familiar. i looked up at his blonde head and buried myself deeper into his back. my hands hugged his waist. "who are you? either way listen here mate i got to her fir-" he threw a punch at the unknown man. the man looked in fury towards yeonjun and i shivered in fear. "you had no right to touch her. she wasn't liking it," he spit out. "she did want it right baby?" a smirk hung loosely on his lips and i hid myself even more if it was possible. "she clearly didn't," yeonjun spoke for me. "i didn't ask you," the man spoke right back.

he was about to throw a punch at yeonjun but he held his arm back. "i could easily kick you out. this is my house. i have no idea why beomgyu would let such a person come in. so it's either you get out on your own will or i humiliate you in front of everyone and kick you out. you choose," i looked up at yeonjun, surprised. i didn't know this was his house. neither did i know he had this side to him. the man looked back and forth between yeonjun and i before he scoffed and left the place. the man in front of me turned to face me. sighing, he grabbed my hand and took me upstairs. he opened a door to a  room and closed it behind him. taking off his coat, he draped it on his chair. "sit down," he said quietly.

i did as he told and he soon joined me. "what are you doing here? i thought you didn't like parties," he started off. "oh that um.." this feels so awkward to talk with him now. the tension that looped around us  was heavy and none of us knew how to remove it. "taehyung and his friends dragged me here," i mumbled quietly. "you should've been more careful," he sighed and ran a hand through his hair. we looked the opposite ways, not meeting each other's eyes. "please don't tell anyone about what happened," i bit onto my lips knowing clearly how taehyung would react. "i won't"

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