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i hate choi yeonjun.

this is the only dress i have because i don't go on dates and i have nowhere special to be at. this dress is so tight. did i get fat? i wouldn't be surprised. these heels too. my feet are going to die tonight. we could've gone to a dinner without all this. he can see me all bloated in this now.

i stared at my reflection constantly running my hand on my stomach. a frown plastered on my face. "areum have yo- woah" i turned to face taehyung standing in awe. "what taehyung can't you keep things in place? i get it you have areum now but- woah damn where you going?" jimin's head peeked from taehyung's shoulder. "well hi there jimin, didn't know you were coming over today," i turned to my brother who looked like he was about to burst into tears any moment. "tae, you okay?" i asked him.

he kept looking back and forth between me and jimin. "j-jimin that's my baby s-sis. she's all grown up now," he wiped away the tear that fell down. jimin patted him on his shoulder and turned his attention to me. "yeah she is. cool. now areum," i raised a brow. "do you know where his games are? he can't seem to find-" taehyung pushed jimin away from him and walked towards me. he cupped my cheeks, the tears still rolling down. he put on a smile that basically says 'i'm so proud of you my daughter, you finally graduated. my child has grown' while crying and ran his hand through my hair. "you've grown so much," he sniffled.

just then the doorbell rang and i took his hands in mine. "yes dad i've grown. now if you'll let me i gotta go," i smiled. "okay now if your dad-daughter moment has ended would you answer me?" i turned my attention to jimin. "his games are over there on the shelf near the kitchen. next to my last row of books. i don't know how you didn't see it," jimin thanked and left. tae and i walked over to the door since he wanted to leave me till there at least. i feel like a bride who's leaving home. god he's so dramatic.

i opened the door to meet yeonjun standing there looking absolutely stunning. "you're going out with yeonjun?!?" taehyung exclaimed. "SHE'S GOING OUT WITH WHO NOW?!" jimin shouted from inside. i heard his footsteps behind. yeonjun stood there in pure confusion. i shot him an apologetic smile. he tilted his head to the side and gave a small smile, his eyes saying it's okay. "oh my god," i turned my head to see jimin with a hand on his mouth. "YOU'RE EVEN MORE HANDSOME IN REAL LIFE OH MY GOD!" he squealed and the three of us covered our ears. "geez jimin calm down. let's go play. enjoy the date you two," taehyung said making our eyes widen.

"but it's not a-" he cut me off by pushing me out of the door and closing it behind me. "did he just-" i huffed out. tucking a lock of hair behind my ear, i smiled widely at the boy in front. "um should we..," he nodded his head and led me to the car. putting on our seatbelts, he sped off. "you look beautiful tonight," my cheeks flushed at his statement. play it cool areum. play it cool. why am i blushing though? it's not like i like him. pfffttt no. "so i don't the other days?" his eyes widened and he glanced at me before quickly shaking his head. "no no that's not what i meant. you're always pretty it's just tonight, you know, um," i laughed at his awkwardness. reaching my hand forward, i pinched his cheeks. "you look quite handsome yourself," his cheeks got rosy. cute.

the radio was playing much slower songs compared to the other day. it was the oldies but who doesn't like them? they're always a good listen and having a brother who loves such music, i grew to love them myself. i softly hummed along to the melody. "you listen to these songs?" he broke the silence. "i do. tae likes to listen to these so i kinda grew to love them with him," we smiled at each other. "i love them a lot too," he shrugged. "ooohh really? you seemed more like the hiphop type of person," he shrugged. "i'm full of surprises honey," he winked.

we stopped at a drivethru of mc donalds. "i thought we would go to a fancy place considering..." i gestured to our clothes. "first, you don't like fancy stuff. second, who said we can't be fancy with fast food. third, it's nice to dress up sometimes you know," i like the thought of it but i still don't like how i'm wearing this stupid dress. he placed our orders and we made small talk waiting for our food. "yeonjun i should pay. i just want to repay you for that day," he pretended not to hear me and gave his credit card. "yeonjun!" he passed me the drinks. "choi yeonjun" is he really ignoring this? he got all the food and started placing them backseat. "yeonjunie," he stopped in his tracks.

he immediately came back to his seat and stared at me. "what did you just call me?" he asked. "nothing. i just wanted to pay," he drove off with the shocked look plastered on his face. "you called me yeonjunie," he mumbled. i looked down and played with the hem of my dress. "do you not like it?" i squeaked out. "oh no it's nothing like that. i just..." he giggled. "it was just surprising but," he gave me a soft smile. "i like it," i smiled in relief.

we stopped at the top of a hill. there wasn't anyone around. "yeonjun?" i gave him a questioning look. "you'll love it, trust me," he got out of the car and made his way over to my side. he held out his hand and i took it with no hesitation. i walked to the front of the car to see the view. you could see how clear the sky was and how the universe let its freckles of glow brighten the dark night. he brought out the food, handing me my own. "how did you find out about this place? it's beautiful," i took a bite of my food and so did he. "i sometimes like to clear my head out. it was a bad day that day..." he paused. "i just had to let my mind get some peace," he smiled softly. "ah wait a minute," he handed me his burger and walked to the backseat of the car.

he brought a bottle of wine and two glasses. "where did you get that from?" i laughed. "well," he started filling the glasses. he handed me a glass and we clinked. "i did tell you we can make things fancy"

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