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its been a few days and jeongguk and i have seemed to get a lot closer than i thought we ever would. though it's been a while since i talked with yeonjun. i miss him but every time i open my phone to text him, there's always a text from jeongguk and our conversations doesn't seem to end. its fun and all but i just miss the other boy. my ringtone interrupted my thoughts and i quickly took it thinking it just might've been yeonjun.

"hi reumie!" a cheery voice spoke from the other end. my smile faltered. "hi gguk," i mumbled. i played with my bedsheet, a pout forming on my face. "i was thinking we should hang out today. its been a while," he suggested. "where are we going?" i asked although i wasn't that interested in it. its still better than to do nothing at home. "hmm wanna go watch a movie?" i nodded not realizing he can't see me. "sure i guess," i shrugged. we said bye and ended the call. i sighed. is he not even gonna check up on me? rude. i huffed out a breath.

i was already dressed up so i don't have to get myself to look decent and spend an hour on it. bidding a goodbye to my brother who didn't seem that interested, i walked out. my thoughts were filled with a certain boy the entire walk to the cinema. how could he just leave me on seen, not answer my calls and not check up on me? does he not care as much as i do? it honestly hurts.

a smiling boy waved at me and i walked over to him, forcing a smile on my face. "i already got the tickets, let's go," he took my hand and started walking. my heart is pounding. do i perhaps like him? are my feelings returning? no i can't do that but my heart. its pounding and i feel weird on the inside. no i like yeonjun. it's obvious i like that boy.

the movie began and he occasionally made comments here and there. i nodded just to let him know i'm listening. i'm not paying any attention though. i can't. you know the gut feeling that something bad will happen? i feel it. i don't like the way my brain is taking me to those thoughts all the time. i try to turn my focus on the movie playing but i can't. this feeling is scaring me. like it's going to leave a scar. temporary or not.

the movie soon ended and the boy next to me kept talking about how bad the main characters were and how their acting was the worst. i kept zoning out. "are you okay?" he burst my bubble and looked at me concerned. "huh yeah i am," i shot him a smile. "wanna grab some food?" i nodded. maybe food could make me feel better.

he brought me to a fancy restaurant. as much as i hated such places, i didn't say anything and let him do what he wanted. we sat down and placed our orders. waiting for our food, we made small talk. "do you have a brother?" i asked. "oh yeah. his name is taehyun," i nodded along. "adopted tho. we just loved that kid and couldn't help ourselves," he smiled. "wanna see him?" i nodded with a small smile. "here," he showed me a picture on his phone. two boys grinning widely at the camera. he had a sharp nose and big eyes. a pretty smile and was almost the same height as his brother. "i always wanted a younger sibling so he gets spoiled by me quite often," he chuckled. i guess it's an older brother thing.

we dug into our food as soon as it got placed in front of us. "this is so good," i mumbled. "i know," he agreed. none of us spoke a thing as we devoured the food in front. "that was a good meal," we both said at the same time. laughing along, we got up and made our way to pay. "i'll pay half," i suggested getting my card out. "okay," he agreed. at least we didn't argue about that for a good 5 minutes. we got an uber to let us off at the convenience store nearest to my house.

we got in the store and started finding for ice cream. it was our little dessert. paying, we walked towards the little playground, seating ourselves on the swings. rocking back and forth, we talked about the people we hated and talked about the reasons why we hated them. "oh girl you don't deserve her. fake rat," i laughed at his words. "i know. she really thought i'm dumb to not figure out about the crap she's been talking about me," he rolled his eyes. "ugh fake at its best. i don't get why some peopl- oh. my. god." his mouth hung open and i looked at the direction he was looking at. two people making out in a freaking kids playground. "get a room for gods sake," the boy next to me groaned.

that boy. he looks awfully familiar. i can't see his face but he looks too familiar. "let's go. i can't digest this anymore. i wanna throw up," jeongguk faked his gags and i laughed. "let's go," we threw the wrappers in the nearby trash in and was going to leave when his phone rang and he excused himself. "yeah taehyun?" i could see his smile get bigger at the sound of his brother's voice. cute.

my eyes roamed around the playground eventually landing on the couple. they were quite near us as well. my face scrunched in a disgusted look. they pulled away and the look on my face disappeared. the color of my face draining out and my heart felt like someone stabbing it multiple times to the point where there's absolutely no new spots to stab. "yeonjun..?" the said boy turned at the sound of my voice. his eyes widened and he pushed the girl next to him. "areum its not what it looks like," i felt tears brim my eyes and he came closer to me. i looked away and i reached out for jeongguk's hand pulling us away from the place.

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