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yeonjun's p.o.v

the door opened and in came my brother. "hyung," he mumbled and sat down next to me after closing the door. i sniffled and wiped my face. "what?" i snapped. he sighed. "come here," he opened his arms wide and i clashed into them. the sobs came breaking down and i buried my face deeper into his chest. "it'll be okay," he played with my hair with one hand, the other caressing my back. "she hates me now gyu. she looked so broken," i choked out. he sighed and pulled me away from his embrace.

he made me meet his eyes. "why do you think she looked broken hyung?" he questioned. "i don't know but she did," i answered him. "idiot," he mumbled. i glared at him through my tears. "i'm elder than you," i mumbled, angrily wiping away the tears. he rolled his eyes. "do you love her?" i was taken aback by his question but immediately replied. "yes i do," he smiled. "why else do you think she would've looked broken my dear brother? she obviously returns the same feelings," i looked up at him, hope burning in my eyes. "you think so?" i asked him. "i know so," he smiled. i tackled him in a hug. "you're the best beomgyu," i placed a kiss on his cheek. "woah chill bro. i ain't gay," i hit his chest playfully and a laugh escaped me. he joined me soon after. "what are you waiting for now? go get your girl"

and so now i am in front of her house hesitating to ring the doorbell. my fingers hovering over the little bell. i took in a deep breath and rang it. no answer. i rang it once more. and so it continued. no one answered. i guess no one is home. i sighed defeatedly and turned around. "oh yeonjunie?" taehyung hyung came in front of me. "hi hyung," i waved softly. i saw familiar faces following behind. "hi soobin," i waved at him. "enough with that now. why are you here?" i shivered under his cold stare. "i-i wanted to make things better between us. i really didn't mean what happened last night. she didn't let me explain anything," i looked down, my feet playing with the tiny stones. "right? you didn't mean it did you? i told that girl but she won't listen to me!" i looked up to see their smiling faces. "you guys believe me?" i asked hopeful. they nodded their heads.

taehyung hyung put his arms around my shoulder and led me to the door. "let's go in. she must be inside," we walked in and the warmth of the house hugged my body. "you can go in," he pointed to the door. i took in deep breaths and walked towards the door. it's okay yeonjun it's just her. she'll understand you. things will be better. my hand rested on the doorknob and i turned it. a shaky breath left my lips.

i walked in the room and closed the door softly seeing how she was sleeping. i walked closer, going to sit at the chair beside and maybe ready myself to speak out the truth. my steps halted when i saw another figure sleeping next to her. i stumbled back a little when i saw who it was. my jaw clenched and my hands formed into fists. i blinked away the tears. jeongguk laid beside her, arms wrapped around her waist and his head resting on her chest. soft snores left their lips and her arms wrapped protectively around the sleeping boy. i felt my walls crashing down. i wish i never listened to beomgyu. i wish i could unsee this. i wish someone would tell me this is a dream.

i wiped away the few tears that fell and walked towards the door. i glanced at her once again before stepping out of the room, closing the door behind. "oh you guys made up? that was fast," jimin hyung  spoke. i gave them a weak smile. "i left my little brother home. i gotta help him with something. she's sleeping anyway. i'll come by later," never. i lied and walked out of that house. i drove a few blocks away from their house and stopped. letting out a scream, the tears spilled out uncontrollably.

you were wrong gyu. she doesn't love me like i do. she loves him.

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