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two years later

its been two years since that night. the night yeonjun and i confessed to each other. the night we became official. i smiled at the memory. its been a hectic two years. with our little fights and arguments here and there, the cute little dates we've had and the best part is that we come back home to each other. we moved in after a year. it all seemed a little rushed in to some people but we liked it. we loved the thought of having to wake up next to each other and create small memories together. life seems complete.

i carried the heavy books towards jeongguk's place and rang the bell. he lives at almost the top floor, the lift isn't working and i'm carrying all these books. i don't think i need a workout anymore. when the door opened, i was faced with two puppy eyes looking down at me. "hi beomgyu!" i waved and gestured to the books. "oh yes let me help you," he smiled and carried the books inside like it wasn't nothing. i stared at him with my mouth hung open. is he strong or am i weak? you'll never know.

i walked in to the chatters of the boys and seated myself down next to my boyfriend. "hi," he pecked my lips and smiled lovingly. "hueningkai bring me a bucket from there. i think i'm going to throw up," soobin said faking his gags. the others agreed in unison. "just get yourselves a partner if you're that lonely," yeonjun stated. i nodded agreeing. "oh about that," beomgyu started. "hyung, noona," his eyes flickered back and forth between the two of us. he raised his hand interlocked with a very familiar tattooed hand. "we're kinda... yeah..." he trailed off. all our jaws dropped and we looked at the new couple. "so does that mean we have to deal with another couple with all that lovey dovey crap?" taehyung looked at them. "i... i guess," jeongguk shrugged.

i walked up to them and grabbed my best friend's arm, dragging him to his room. closing the door behind, i looked at the boy with my arms crossed. "when the hell did this happen?" i asked. "uh well you see... we kinda did this thing called getting drunk and-" i cut him off. "HE GOT DRUSHSK" he put his hand on my mouth stopping me from shouting. "shhh you aren't supposed to yell," he glared. i removed his hand from my mouth and glared back. "and then we kinda also did this thing called kiss," my eyes widened. "YOU KISSED?!" i yelled. his eyes widened and gestured for me to stay quite. "bitch i can't stay quiet. don't tell me what to do," i whisper shouted. "but anyway, you got the guts to finally ask the guy out huh?" i raised a brow. he nodded, his cheeks tinting pink. i threw my arms around him, a wide smile spreading on my face. "you finally did it googie!" i squealed. he nodded. "and don't call me that. makes me look like a baby," he pouted.

we opened the door to face yeonjun and his brother. "areum tell your best friend that if he dares to hurt my baby, he won't see the next day," yeonjun glared at the man next to me. "then tell your brother the same thing," i narrowed my eyes at the young boy. "he won't," yeonjun sighed and caressed his head. "neither would he," i smiled at jeongguk and hugged his waist. "alright enough with this couple and brother-sister shit. get back here," jimin called out.

we walked back towards the living room, making ourselves comfortable on the couch. "so," i clasped my hands together. "who wants the first copy?" all hands raised up. "i decided on an answer anyway. your opinions don't matter," i shrugged and their hands slowly came down. i took out a book and moved to give it to my brother. "here," i crouched down beside him. "it has your name on it," i smiled. he ran his hand on the cover. "it's your first book bub," he smiled proudly. he patted my head. "open the first page. there's a little surprise," i winked at him. he flipped the page and froze in his spot. "areum... this..." he looked back at me and i could see his eyes welling up. "if i'm your biggest supporter, then you're mine. you deserve that spot on the book. i have no one else i'm this thankful for," i smiled. he put the book of the table nearby and embraced me. "i love you baby sis. don't forget it. i'm right here now. if anything happens i'm right here," he cried out on my shoulder. "i think i'm going to cry get me out of here," we laughed at the sound of hueningkai. hueningkai became our friend through beomgyu. he's been a sunshine since then.

"oh forget that look at soobin," we turned to look at the poor boy bawling his eyes out. everyone started teasing him and he covered himself. "oh shut up i'm not. i'm allergic to sweetness," he reasoned out. we laughed at him. i gave each one of them their books and sat back down in my seat. "you bet i'm going to make you read this book for me tonight," yeonjun said and kissed my knuckles. "i see you're still that dumb or you just didn't pay any attention to your girlfriend," gguk spoke from opposite of us. yeonjun furrowed his eyebrows. "it's your story idiot," he still seemed as confused as ever. "oh my god read the summary and see if it rings a bell. did that ever happen to you?" he turned the book and his eyes scanned the words. his eyes widened in realization and he looked at me. "baby.. this is our..." i nodded my head. "i was running out of ideas anyway and this story is my favorite so why not?" i smiled. he gave me a hug. "i love you so much," he mumbled. "i love you so much too," i whispered back.

a cushion got thrown at us and we looked at the boy tearing up again. "stop it! i wanna leave this house. i think i'm allergic to this house," he sniffled. a sigh left taehyun's lips. "i need someone like areum noona," i could sense jeongguk glaring at the boy. "you're too young," he gritted out and taehyun rolled his eyes. "mr.jeon 13 year olds gets a girlfriend this year but no one tells them anything," he left to his room before anyone could say anything. i mean he didn't lie.

yeonjun cleared his throat from beside me, catching the attention of the others. "i have something to say," he announced. a gasp left everyone's lips and all their assumptions came tumbling down.
"is she pregnant?"
"you're going to be a dad?"
"so that means y'all did it?"
"i'm a child of god!"
"but what if he auditioned to be an idol?"
"no he's dumb he probably did something stupid,"
"what if he messed up their house? like scrap the wallpapers or something"
"sounds believable"

"that's enough!" he shouted quietening them. a door opened and out came a stumbling taehyun. "oh damn drama," he sat down cross-legged on the couch beside yeonjun. "so what happened?" he looked at our faces. "will you guys let me do what i was going to?" when everyone nodded, he cleared his throat and took in a deep breath.

he turned his attention to me. "areum," he began. "i'm not good at speeches so just deal with it if it's going to be everywhere. we met in the weirdest of ways. i was drunk out of my mind and i stumbled into your house. and then we met again through your brother. i always found you such a beautiful woman. inside out. till now my heart towards you hasn't changed. i still cant draw you to perfection. it was a blessing when you became my girlfriend. i was on cloud 9. beomgyu kept talking about the stupid grin on my face and overly high pitched cheery voice," beomgyu interrupted. "yeah right. it was so annoying," he snorted.

yeonjun rolled his eyes and continued. "we were broken messes who found happiness through each other. we fixed each other," both our eyes welled up. "it might seem like we're rushing things through and we're really young too but trust me when i say this. i truly love you more than anything in this world and i don't think i can no longer wake up to an empty bed. you made me belive in love again and i'm so thankful it's you. thank you for everything love," he took in a deep breath and opened the little box he was holding. "will you let me wake up to your face everyday throughout our entire lives?" i stared at him in shock. not being able to form any words, i nodded. he broke into a grin and slipped the ring through my finger.

he cupped my cheeks and let his lips crash onto mine. it still felt like the first time. my heart still beats as fast as it did when we first kissed, when we first held hands, when i first saw him and started getting attracted to him. he felt like all the right things put into one. all the happiness, all the butterflies, all the heart flutterings. all of the love. i wish i could tell him how much he means to me but i can't. i can't form words to express how i feel towards him. me being a writer, i'm put at a loss of words when it comes to him. he's my euphoria and utopia. he felt like serendipity.

he is my serendipity.


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