Chapter 9 - Small World

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       One of the VIP guests from the front row saw Stella. Her eyes widened upon seeing the lady on stage being held by the vocalist. She quickly took some pictures using a mobile phone before Stella ran away. The VIP guest checked the few stolen shots, however, the images were slightly blurry. 

       Stella ran straightly to the comfort room to wash her face. When she looked at the mirror, she saw that her face was still red. It seemed like it was the most embarrassing experience for her. When she realized that her face mask was accidentally removed while on stage, her heart pounded even faster like a running wild animal. 

       She started to feel nervous, knowing that her face was exposed. She knew very well that she must not be recognized by anybody. 

       Ken, on the other hand, looked after Stella. He saw what happened earlier on stage. He followed Stella, knocked on the wash room's door and spoke, "Miss Jean, are you okay?Don't worry about what happened. I'll accompany you." 

       Stella heard the comforting words from Ken and replied, "I"m okay, I'll be out in a few minutes." 

                                                                                          - - - - - - - - - - - - -

       In the concert hall, the VIP guest left her seat, roamed around, and saw Marie Sanders. She approached Ms. Sanders, who was at that time, monitoring the whole event. 

       "Hello Marie!", said the VIP guest. 

       "Wow! Ms. Kim Yoona is here! I thought you're not going to attend the concert", Marie replied. 

       "How can I miss the concert of my beloved band?", said Kim Yoona as she moved closer to Marie.

       "Do you mean, the concert is more important than your brother's wedding event?" curiously asked by Marie.

       "Nope. I left Japan as soon as I have confirmed that there will be no wedding ceremony today", Yoona explained. 

       "Really? Was the schedule moved?", said Marie. "Haven't you read the news? The bride is missing", said Yoona in a louder voice.

       Before Marie could react and say more, Yoona told Marie asking a favor, "My dear friend, I need you to help me find a girl." 

       Yoona had the idea that Marie, being the supervisor of the event, can easily identify whether the woman on stage earlier was a just fan or a mere staff.  

       Kim Yoona is the younger sister of Kim Jaemin, Stella's fiance. It just so happened that Kim Yoona was one of Marie Sander's friend. 

       Yoona turned on her phone to show some photos to Marie and said, "This is her." 

       Marie took the phone from Yoona's hand to take a closer look and said, "Oh, I know her. I actually met her this afternoon. Her name is Jean, the band's assistant."

       "Why? Are jealous? Relax, I heard that what happened earlier was just an accident according to Laila, their manager", Marie explained.

       Yoona frowned and said, "It's not what you're thinking. I need to confirm something. Bring me to Laila, I want to meet this assistant." 

       The two left the concert area and headed to the back stage near the women's wash room. At that time, Stella was about to leave the wash room's door, but she stopped. She saw Marie Sanders and Kim Yoona talking to each other. 

       Stella found herself unlucky and uttered in a very low voice: "What a small world!"

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