My Old Friend

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It's been a while, my old friend
Oh how the times have changed
And here I am wanting to numb everything
I just want you to numb all the pain

I forgot how much you make me forget
Time slows down when you are around
My own little fantasy, it's where you act
In my head, it's where you penetrate

You make me remember of my own defeat
Of the lies that you spill but only to me
It's a secret that you force me to keep
You get into my head, it's impossible to retrieve

Of all the different feelings you could give
Leaving me here with the darkest thoughts
Left alone through the night wishing to relive
And the days of tomorrow threatening to taunt

I thought I wanted you to numb all my pain
But now I see the wrong in everything
Oh how the times have changed
Till next time, my old friend.



The song above(there should be an image with lyrics of the song and when you swipe you should see a video!) gave me the inspiration for this poem. I was listening to it at 1 am last night(or very early this morning lol) and just started writing and tada! this poem was born!

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