Murder house part 2

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By Faked_My_Death

*Haileyy's POV*

Frank pulled up to a really huge old looking house.
"This place looks haunted."
Trisha points out.

"Well...DUH!!! It's supposed to be haunted!!" Frank exclaims.

"Whooooo!" We hear Lanae pop out of no where and yell.

"Where the hell did you come from?!?" I scream.

"That genie lamp in the corner of the van." Lanae says, pointing at a genie lamp in the dark corner where a bunch of goblins were lurking in the shadows of the van.

"Do you live with the goblins Lanae?" Trisha asks.

"...yes...." Lanae mutters.

Then everyone laughed at her.
We're all meanies.

We finally break into the house and it looks really old timey.
"Ewwww! There's dussst!" Lanae squeals.

"Shut up!" We hear a distant voice scream.

"DA FUQ?!??" Trisha, Lanae, Frank, me, and for some reason my dad was there...all scream.

"It came from upstairs." Franks whispers.

He creepy crawls up the stairs making a "shhhh." noise every time he made a move.

We hear the same voice scream.

My dad runs up the stairs and pushes Frank out of the way and he picks up an old lady out of nowhere and throws her at Frank. "AHHH!!! OLD LADY ATTACK! OLD LADY ATTACK!!" Frank screams in terror.

Lanae stays back to help Frank and Trisha and I run upstairs.

"Where da fuq is your father? BILLIE JOEEEEEE!!!!??" Trisha calls.

We then hear him scream, "YOU GAVE ME THE HEEBIEJEEBIES!!!"

We both turn around and see my dad looking into a room looking flabbergasted.

"What is it Billie?" Trisha asks.
He points a shaky finger at the room. Then Gerard appears behind of him and glares into the room and points. "Teenagers..." Gerard hisses.

Everyone knew teenagers scared the living shit out of Gerard. Even though me and my friends are teenagers.
He likes us....I hope.

"Dude, don't do it!!! IT DID NOTHING!!" A different voice yells.

Trisha and I run into the room to see four young looking guys standing in the room.
One was standing up cautiously, he had dyed red hair and an oversized Metallica shirt. He had a name tag on his forehead. Michael.

The second guy was on the floor and laughing his ass off.
He had curly dirty blond hair and a bandana on his head.
Name tag on leg. Ashton.

The third guy stood in the corner, handing people cards out of his flip-able phone case. He had black hair and a name tag on his crotch. "Calum, no I'm not Asian, I'm Kiwi." The name tag said.

The last guy was standing there looking furious, with a lamp plug in hand.
He had blond hair quiffed up a a lip piercing.
Name tag on shirt. Luke.

"What the hell is going in here?!?" My dad demands.
They all turn around and their eyes widen and their mouths drop.

"BILLIE JOE FUCKING ARMSTRONG!!!!" They all scream at once.

Trisha and I back up as they all run up to my father and start asking for autographs and shit.

"What's going on in here?" Trisha asks, clearing her throat.
They all turn to her.
The Ashton guy immediately bursts into laughter and the Calum guy hands us his card.

"I made Luke mad and he threatened to unplug that lamp!" Michael exclaims.

"I will unplug it!!! I swear!" Luke calls, grabbing he lamp cord again.
"Oh SHI-" Michael starts, but then....LUKE UNPLUGGED THE LAMP.

The house instantly burst into flames and everyone was running for their lives.

My dad pushed everyone down the stairs and Lanae was still trying to save Frank from underneath the old lady.
Trisha walked up to them and instantly picked up the old lady and helped her dad up.

We all ran out of the house and dashed into the van.

"So, who are you guys?" Frank asks.

"We're 5sos!!! We're exchange students from Australia." Michael answers.

"You're cute." Trisha blurts.
He just laughs and pokes her face.
She pokes back and they end up having a poking war and Ashton bursts into a tiny fit of giggles.

"Guys, we gotta stop at the lamp store. Mine broke because my dad had to swing from the chandelier and landed on me and my lamp I was for some reason holding." I say.

"Okie dokie." Frank chirps.

I see Luke's head shoot up, "Lamps?" He questions.
"Yes." I answer, poking his face, he then pokes my face, then I poke his face, then he threw a lamp at me.

Frank stops at the lamp store and we all jump out.

"Which lamp do you want Haileyy? I'll buy it." Dad says.
"Of course you're going to buy it, I have no money." I point out.

I find a fabulous lamp and I have my dad buy it.

I look around the place and see Trisha and Lanae throwing lamps at each other, Ashton laughing, Calum handing people his card, and Michael scolding Luke and Luke glaring at the lamp plugs.

Then everything went in slow motion.

Luke slowly reached for the lamp plug and I screamed, "Nooooooooo!"
I was about to stop him, but a lamp got thrown at my head in slow motion.

Luke grabbed the cord and unplugged it. It went out.

He stared at the unplugged lamp.

"I. AM. GOD." Luke screams.

He runs around the shop, unplugging every lamp in sight.
Eventually, the whole store was pitch black.

"Oh shiznit." I hear Trisha mumble.

"WHAT THE FUCKING ASS BITCH SHIT MOTHERFUCKER?!?" My dad screams, he's known to cuss allot, as you can tell.

We all exit the store blindly as the store gets put out of business. That happened fast.
My dad hands me my lamp as we all enter the van.

"That was eventful." Frank says.

"Umm, where are we going to live, our house kind of burnt down." Luke points out.
Ashton starts laughing and Michael hits him over the head.

"You can live with Pete Wentz, he has a huge house by himself." My dad answers.

"PETE WENTZ?!?" The 5sos guys all scream.
"This place is awesome." Calum says. They all nod in agreement.

Trisha and I shrug our shoulders, "It's nothing special." We both says.
"NOTHING SPECIAL?!?" The 5sos guys shout.
"We're used to it. Stuff like this happens every day." I point out.

They all smile and Luke throws a lamp at Michael.

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