Close the goddamn door!!

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Sup bitches!!!! Tis Trisha!!! Lol.... I swear I just heard something roll in my room >< god! Ok do I'm writing this chapter and yeah.... In writing this so..... ENJOY MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!! Love you all btw =^-^=

Trisha's pov

I sat back I'm amusement as Sarah and Lanae chased Billie Joe to his doom. "How long do you think until they catch him????" Dahvie asked in a adorable little voice. I smiled, "not very long. So if haileyys dad is lucky..... About 5-10 minutes" I shrugged looking over to Haileyy who was texting. I growled at her. Haileyy looked up and blinked at me before laughing. "Hahaha nice Trisha." I started crawling towards her growling. "WTF TRISHA!!??!?!" Haileyy screamed crawling back until she hit a wall. Everyone I'm the room watched in amusement as I crawled up to her. "No. Texting." I hissed stealing her phone. "Nooooo!" Haileyy cried as I stood up, walked over to jayy and dropped it in his lap. Haileyy watched jayy as he scrolled through everything on her phone. I smirked at her, "no texting hay hay."

The door started to open slowly so everyone turned to look and see if Billie came back alive. But instead of Billie, it was Brendon Urie dressed up like he was in I write sins not tragedies. I raised my brow at him while he took his time glaring at everybody. "What is it brendon?" Haileyy asked, clearly trying not to laugh. Brendon scowled, "CLOSE THE GOD DAMN DOOR!!!!!!" He screamed slamming the door shut. Everyone just looked at each other and started laughing. "What the heck was that???" My dad questioned while snuggling up to gerard. "I don't know but it was flubbing funny!!" Jayy giggled kissing dahvies forehead. Haileyy and I awwed at that sight. (#JAHVIE..... Lol) frank pouted, "is me and gerard not adorable to you guys???" I laughed, "dad, I fucking live with you... I'm just used to it!!" Dad and gerard gasped. "LANGUAGE TRISHA!!!" They yelled at the same time. They looked at each other and giggled. "JINXX!!" Frank screamed jumping off if Gerard's lap. Gerard chuckled, "ok." Hailey rolled her eyes. "Jayy can I have my phone back?" Jayy thought for a second before answering. "Hmmmmm..... Nope!!" He chirped popping the 'p'. "Whyyyy noooooot???" Haileyy whined. Jayy smirked, "school policy." Hailey scoffed. "Psssh, bitch it ain't school time yet." She said sassily snapping her fingers. Jayy sighed. "Fine." He grumbled handing her the phone.

A couple minutes later a...... Interesting looking Billie came in. "YOUR FRIENDS DID TGIS TO MEEEEE!" He cried running up to Hailey making me laugh. Apparently Sarah and Lanae dressed him up in a sparkly purple dress. Also they added bunny ears..... Lol. (Billie has worn a sparkly purple dress and bunny ears..... But not at the same time lol.)

Dahvie giggled at the sight earning a hug from jayy. I walked up to Billie and put a hand on his shoulder. "I am sorry we have loco friends." Billie nodded at that. "But we still love them so we can't stop their obsession with you..." I said smirking at him. Billie pouted but I just smiled in response and walked out of the room.

I walked upstairs to haileyys room and laid down on the bed sighing. My friends and family are CRAZY. But.... That's why I love them... I opened my backpack and pulled out my math homework. Ray should be happy that I'm working on it. "Ok so to find the missing side it's a2+b2= c2...." I mumble to my self writing down the equation. I hear a slight creaking noise coming from the other side of the room making me frown. I put my homework down frowning and walk over to the door. I look outside and there was nobody. I sigh and turn around but Instead of hay hay's bead there was brendon Urie. "FUCKING HELL !!!!" I scream jumping back. I put my hand over my heart and gasped. "I almost died because of you!!" I scold. Brendon just leans over to me and whispers, "close the god damn door....." He shrunk Back slamming the door. "Okay then....."

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