☆chapter eight☆

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i have no excuse other than im very lazy sorry lol

anyway enjoy i guess :D

Amity threw her pencil down, glaring at Luz. She had no idea why she would assume that, or even ask that. "Why are you being so nosey?" She asked Luz, the tone of her voice sounding uneasy. 

Luz didn't want them to start fighting again, so she decided not to press it further.  She was definitely passing some boundaries.  "Well, uh.. you always seem so sad when you sit with them. You know, with your head down and all. But forget I said anything, sorry." 

Amity scoffed, unable to believe Luz was a stalker. "So you just stare at me while I'm trying to eat?" She accused, or more of came to a conclusion. 

Luz frantically shook her head. She did like to stare at Amity occasionally, but not in a creepy-stalker way. Just people-watching. "Nonononono. I just glance at you occasionally.. nothing like what your thinking." 

Amity slightly relaxed as she noticed herself getting riled up. She wasn't in the mood to argue with Luz again. "Well it's very creepy." Amity said blatantly. "But to answer your question, yes, I.. love my friends." Amity said, but it was crystal clear to Luz that she was lying. Amity was an awful liar. 

Luz really really didn't want them to be on bad terms, and it seemed like they were finally getting along. She hesitated, but she smiled at Amity. "Listen Amity. I just wanted to tell you that some 'friends' only stick around when they need something, but real friends will stick by you always." Luz said, sharing her words of wisdom. She felt smart after saying that, and was silently hoping Amity wouldn't snap at her. Luz sat back down on her bed and continued to play with the flashlight.

Those words dug deep into Amity. She really listened to her. Amity sighed, dropping the pencil down and taking a break from the homework packet for the first time in 2 hours. "I lied." Amity said, although it was pretty obvious already.

"What?" Asked Luz, making sure she was hearing Amity correctly. 

Amity took a deep breath, preparing for what she was about to say. "Me and Boscha.. and Skara, we aren't close at all. She only uses me for answers on tests and my money. If I don't do what she tells me, then she'll expose my secrets to the school, beat me up, all kinds of other stuff." Amity admitted, feeling better after getting that off her chest. She threw the homework packet in the garbage can.

Luz couldn't even take into account how awful that was. It made her sad to hear that some people were that toxic and manipulative. 

Amity's eyes went wide, realizing that she just spilled some things that she never even told anyone. She looked Luz dead in the eye. "Don't tell anyone I told you this.. please." Amity begged, thinking about what would happen if Boscha found out she had talked about her behind her back or didn't do what she said. Boscha would have her head. 

But then again, Amity didnt care. She could get beaten up so many times and still somehow get back up again. She didn't have any secrets that were worth exposing that hadn't already gotten out to the school.

Still, fear lurked in her mind. There was no telling how angry Boscha would be if she found out about this conversation.

Luz smiled softly, reassuring Amity that their conversation would be confidential. "Trust me, I promise I won't tell anyone." 

Amity sighed of relief. Luz didn't come across as a particularly malicious person, so she wasn't worried. She knew Luz would keep her promise. "Thanks Luz." 

"Of course! Anything for a friend." Luz said, smiling. 

Friend seemed like such a foriegn word to Amity. She was happy to even be considered Luz's friend. Amity had someone to rely on. At first Amity didn't like Luz, maybe even hated her, but this time she appreciated her.

She was lucky to have Luz as a friend.


2nd Grade, September 1st. 

 It was finally freetime for the class. Amity liked to work, but it was nice to have a break every once in awhile. Especially a break that was earned, and not skipping class or anything. 

Plus, Amity had a certain secret she wanted to share with her best friend Boscha. She couldn't keep it in anymore, she just had to tell Boscha. 

Amity scooted closer to Boscha, getting ready to reveal her secret. "Boscha.. can I tell you something?" She asked.

Boscha nodded excitedly as she ate her peanut butter and jelly sandwich. "Tell me!" She said, her voice full of excitement. They had exchanged a few secrets, but it seemed like this secret was a big one.

Amity leaned in closer, whispering in Boscha's ear. "I have a crush on someone." She said happily. 

Boscha lightly gasped, trying to keep her volume down for Amity's sake. "Who is he?" She whispered back, looking around for Amity's supposed crush. 

Amity smiled giddily. "Skara." She whispered back, slightly glancing at Skara. Boscha's face went from excitement to disgust in a matter of seconds. 

"But.. Skara's a girl.." Boscha pointed out, speaking a little louder which made Amity nervous. She immediately regretted telling Boscha her prolonged crush.

Amity put a finger on her lips, trying to silence Boscha. She didn't want the whole class to know she had a crush on a girl. Especially she didn't want Skara to know.

Boscha pushed Amity away out of disgust. She furrowed her eyebrows. "That's so gay Amity." She said at normal volume, maybe even louder. 

Most of the other classmates turned to look at the girls, confused by their loud conversation. Amity's face turned a deep red and she buried her face into her hands. On the other hand, Boscha was quite assumed with Amity's embarrassment. She stood up on the plastic yellow table, stepping on Amity's lunchbox.  

"Yeah! Amity's gay for Skara!" Boscha announced, pointing at Skara. Skara dropped the toy she was playing with, her mouth wide open. Her face also turned red.

Most of the class didn't care, but she heard a few stifled laughs in the back, and that was good enough for her. 

Amity thought this was the last time Boscha would do something like this, but it only got worse. 

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