☆chapter seventeen☆

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Amity did not remember falling asleep. One moment she was singing songs from musicals and the next she's being held by Luz as she sleeps.

Now that was definitely the best sleep she had ever gotten. 

Amity tried not to move, but Luz was definitely awake. Amity was more surprised that she fell asleep on a extremely small bed and didn't fall off. 

"Good morning Amity!" Luz said with a smile. Their faces were so close Luz could feel Amity's heavy breathing on her face.

"H.. Hi..!" Even if they had been dating for a few weeks, Amity was still extremely awkward around her girlfriend. 

Luz looked around nervously. "Well.. uh.. I didn't wanna wake you up.. and so.. we're really late for class." 

Amity immediately sprung up, pushing Luz off the bed as a result. A loud 'oof' from Luz was heard as she hit the floor hard. 

Amity frantically ran out the door, back to her dorm room. She didn't even close the door behind her. 

"Rude." Luz said, slowly getting up from being thrown on the floor.


School days were hard. Harder for Luz than Amity. Amity insisted they act like they barely knew each other and only meet up in secret. The first week of this wasn't so bad, but Luz got tired of it very quickly. 

She just wanted to talk to her friends about how much she adored and cared about Amity, but Amity didn't want her to do that either. 

Amity went to catch up on work that she missed in the morning, so Luz sat down with her friends for lunch.

"Hey Luz!" Willow said cheerfully as she sat down next to them. Luz still talked to her friends on a regular basis, but just not at lunch. Today was different. 

"Hi Gus! Hi Willow!" Luz spoke, looking down at her sad plate of food. She barely ate the cafeteria food they gave her. Today they had mashed potatoes and steak. It looked more like a puddle of gravy and a old shoe. Luz would think a nice school would have good lunches, but nope. 

"Guess what! I asked Skara to the dance." Willow said excitedly as she clapped her hands together. 

"And I asked Matt if he could go with me!" Gus said as well.

Luz took a second to process all of that. Dance? Skara? Matt? Since when did they announce a dance? 

"A dance is coming up?" Luz asked, stabbing her fork into the shoe steak.

Willow held up a poster for a Valentines Day dance. Luz mentally facepalmed. She had totally forgotten about Valentines Day. 

"Ohhhh.... Well I'm happy you guys got dates!" Luz said with a smile.

Willow thought for a moment. "Did you get a date Luz? With Amity or something?"

Luz panicked. She totally forgot she had told them about her crush on Amity. "Oh Amityy... uh... we're not even friends. I'll just go to the dance alone."

Willow didn't buy that at all. "Uh huh. Sure. Didn't you literally say you had a crush on her a few months ago?"

"NO I DIDN'T..." Luz said, a little louder than intentional. People surely did start to stare. Luz cleared her throat. "I confessed to Amity and uhhhhhh.... she doesn't like me like that." 

A sympathetic look came over Willow's face. "Oh Luz, I'm so sorry." 

Luz shook her head. "No it's fine!"

Luz was not a good liar. She doubted Willow bought it, maybe Gus, but not Willow. No wonder why Amity barely told her any secrets, she was terrible at keeping just one!


Amity heard about the dance. Boscha was going on and on about how Skara ditched her for Willow and blah blah blah. Amity didn't care in the slightest. 

Amity felt a tinge of guilt as she barely acknowledged Luz the whole day. Sometimes the thought of them, together, during school, made her stress out. She already was confused as to why Luz was moved from her dorm. She had a small suspicion it was her parents. They must of known something.  

Lost in thought, she laid back on her bed, getting ready to go to sleep. Amity felt bad, so she sent Luz a goodnight text. Complete with a heart emoji. 

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