☆chapter fifteen☆

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okay rant time i just wanted to say i dont understand why people get so mad because lumity is overhyped  

like people are usually like "it only got popular because of grom" and all that but WHO CARES? we need more sapphic representation and lumity is some of the greatest representation ive seen!!! 

seriously, not only has it been explictly shown in the FIRST SEASON, luz is literally the main character and is canonly bi and not some secondary character. its also so great to see TEENAGERS be together. Luz and Amity are around my age and to see amity pining for a girl makes me so happy!! We really haven't gotten anything like this

okay rant over lol this chapter is longer than usual JSDASHDFJK

Amity held her phone close to her heart, constantly rereading their messages over and over.

It had only been one conversation, but Amity felt relieved that Luz didn't hate her. She didn't even realize how much she really did like this girl.

Today was the day she would be packing her things and heading back to boarding school. She honestly couldn't wait to see Luz again. They could finally be together, and away from her parents. 

She began packing her clothes and other items she would need for the trip. Her flight left at 1 pm, so she had to be quick. 

Her phone buzzed.

Luz | 11:01
excited to see u again !!!! :D

A vivid blush came across Amity's face. She put her phone down, smiling uncontrollably, so much so that her cheeks began to hurt. 

Amity | 11:06 
im excited to see you too :D 


Luz was surprised when Amity texted her. She wasn't expecting her to say anything after... that. It made her feel a lot more excited to see her again. But she knew they would have to have discuss it sooner or later.

Or Luz could pretend it never happened and then hopefully Amity would forget and then voila! Friendship fixed. 

That wouldn't work at all though. Luz could barely text Amity goodnight the night before because of that.

"Luz! Your flight is in 30 minutes! C'mon!" Camila yelled from downstairs.

Luz quickly grabbed all her belongings, which we're nicely unorganized in her giant suitcase. Hopefully she remembered to grab socks. 


The flight was 4 hours long. Not too bad, Luz didn't remember it though, she slept the whole way through. 

Finally, she landed in sunny Florida. It was freezing cold there. Almost below freezing basically. She grabbed her luggage and walked a few miles back to that very school.

Amity didn't live too far from the state, just a couple states over. She was probably already at the dorm. Luz suddenly felt anxious. They hadn't seen each other since that whole thing happened. She was not ready for the awkwardness that was about to follow. 

She wanted to stall having to face Amity again, but she was freezing cold and wanted to get inside and put her heavy luggage away. 


Amity opened the door to her dorm room, everything was still there, the bed was still messed up and everything. But on Luz's side of the room, was completely nothing.

In place was Boscha, unpacking all her things. She made her bed and hung up pictures of herself above the bedframe.

"What are YOU doing here?" Amity asked, annoyed. 

"I have no idea man! They told me this was my new dorm room. Sorry you can't share it with your girlfriend anymore." Boscha explained, continuing to put trophies on her nightstands.

"First off, Luz is not my girlfriend, and second, I have to share with you? Seriously? Ughhhh..." Amity groaned, shoving her suitcase onto the bed.

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