☆chapter eighteen☆

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This was it. 1 week until a dance that Luz didn't even plan to go to.

She wanted to ask out Amity, but what are the chances she would say yes? She wanted to, so badly. And maybe, she just would.

The chances of Amity saying yes were low, but at least Luz could show her girlfriend how much she loved her- appreciated her? Luz hadn't exactly said the l word yet. She wasn't in love with Amity, totally, yeah. 


Now that was one more thing to keep her awake at night. 


Luz was gonna do it. But maybe keep it simple this time. No flowers to get doused in rain water or fancy outfits. The dance was next Friday, it's not like she had much time to get tickets for them.

Luz | 3:40 pm
wanna meet up at the park :D

Amity replied really fast, surprisingly. She was super busy these days.

Amity | 3:40 pm

Luz tried not to get anxious, but it was hard when you were asking someone to a dance. She shouldn't be overthinking it, it was her girlfriend! She wasn't gonna be mean about it if she didn't wanna go. 


Luz bounced on the bench they had always sat in together when they came to this park. She could hear her heavy breaths as she waited for her girlfriend to arrive.

"Hey Luz." Amity spoke very suddenly. Luz hadn't even seen her walk to the bench. 

Luz tried to hide her nervousness. "O-Oh hey Amity." 

"Did you need something?" 

It was now or never. 

"Well um.. I wanted to ask you.." Luz mentally slapped herself. 'Cmon, just spit it out!'

"Do you wanna.. maybe... go to the dance with me?" Luz blurted out. She immediately regretted it because Amity looked more shocked than anything else. Not excited, happy, anything. 

Amity put a comforting hand on Luz's shoulder. "I'm sorry.. I-I wanna say yes.. but I don't know.. what if-"

"Who cares! I don't care about what people say if they knew about us. I lo.. I MEAN I don't care about them because you mean everything to me Amity Blight." 

Luz immediately wanted to take it back and keep it to herself because Amity began to cry. Luz had no idea what to do. "Oh my god Amity I'm so sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfor-"

Before Luz could finish, Amity wrapped her arms around her, pulling her into a large embrace. They didn't speak, just enjoying the warm embrace of each other.

"You mean everything to me too, Luz." Amity said, breaking the silence. 

Luz was taken aback. "Really..?"

Amity nodded so fast she almost felt like her head was gonna fall off her neck. "You're right.. I don't like keeping this a secret honestly.."

Luz shook her head. "Nono we don't have to do that.. We might never see each other again if your parents find out."

"...I don't care.. I just want to be with you right now. I'll worry about them later. Right now, you're all I need." Amity said, leaning her head on Luz's shoulder. 

Luz hugged Amity again, never feeling more loved than she did now.


writing fanfics is like having those certain chapters you think are masterpieces and then chapters that whenever you reread them you die inside 

this chapter is one of them ITS SO BAD BYE 

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