Learning Is Hard

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No ones POV

10:30am in Avengers tower and all Avengers bar Steve and Tony are called on a mission. Tony was unaware of the mission because he had be in his lab since last night. Steve was reading when the call came through and sent them (Pietro, Thor, Clint, Natasha, Wanda, Bucky, Sam and Vision) off before going to the kitchen and making some food for himself and Tony.

Steve and Tony has been dating for about 6 months so far and it was going great. Tony was smiling more and his health was improving because Steve banned any and all liquor from the tower and would drag Tony up to their bedroom to sleep if he knew Tony hadn't the previous night.

Finishing the sandwiches for himself and Tony, he puts them on plates and goes down the stairs, types in the password to Tony's lab, and walks in. He sees his genius standing in front of some holograms that were set up on the table as he leaned against it. Tony, unaware of the intruder, continues to look through the blueprints on the hologram.

Putting the sandwiches down on a nearby work bench, Steve tiptoes over to Tony and wraps his arms around his waist. Tony jumps and tenses before Steve kisses his neck and he relaxes back into Steve's chest.

Steve smiles at him. "You. Need. To. Eat," he says between kisses on Tony's neck. "Fiiiiiiine," he pouts, removing himself from his boyfriends arms and moving to take a plate. Steve follows Tony as he trudged over to the couch in the lab (installed at Steve's request so he has a comfortable place to sit and draw,) and sits down to eat. "These are really good," Tony says through a mouthful. Steve laughs. "They're just sandwiches," he replies. "Yeah but still. You'll have to teach me how to cook. You're cooking is amazing," Tony compliments him before taking another huge bite.

After they had the sandwiches, Steve took the plates and went back upstairs to read while Tony went back to working. Now Steve has been reading for an hour and he's bored. Coming up with an idea, he smirks, walks to the elevator and takes it down to the garage where he grabs a random set of keys, finds the car, and climbs in, driving to the supermarket.

1 Hour Time Skip

After Steve arrives back at the tower with 6 bags of groceries, he grabs the bags from the back and takes the elevator back up to the kitchen where he unpacks them and leaves the recipe for spaghetti bolognese out on the bench.

Going back down to Tony's lab, he finds his boyfriend, this time sitting in a wheelie chair, still looking at the same blueprints. This time when he enters, he announces his arrival. "Hey Tony, can you come and help me with something in the kitchen please?" "Sure. What for?" Walking over to Tony, Steve puts his hands on the back of the chair and leans his head next to Tony's to take a look at the screen before standing up right, spinning the chair and grabbing Tony's hands to pull him up. "It's a surprise," he says to Tony before dragging him up the stairs to the kitchen.

When they arrive, Tony sees the recipe on the kitchen island and moves to read it. He raises his eyes from the paper and looks over the top of it to see Steve smiling widely. "You want me to cook?" He questions. "Yep. Obviously I'll be helping but you said you wanted to learn so why not. Is it dumb? It is isn't it. You know what never mind. You can leave." Steve rambles and makes a grab at the recipe still in Tony's hand. Tony moves the paper out of reach and uses one hand to caress Steve's cheek. Steve leans into the touch, closing his eyes and kissing the palm. "It's a wonderful idea," Tony whispers after a few seconds of silence.

20 Minutes Later
(I'm lazy, basically they cut up the bacon and onion.)

After cutting up some bacon and an onion, Tony grabbed the minced beef out of the fridge and turned to the stove top, turning the biggest one on and grabbing a pan. Steve watches from the other side of the breakfast bar to make sure what Tony is doing is right.

Steve stands up and walks over to Tony, taking the metal spoon out of his hand. "If you use metal, you'll scratch the pan and ruin it," Tony opened his mouth to retort but Steve continues. "And don't you dare say you'll just buy a new one." Steve laughed at Tony, who was pouting a few steps away from the stove top. Tony grumbles and takes the plastic spatula from Steve's outstretched hand once he had retrieved it.

Turning to the cutting board, he grabs the onion and bacon, throwing it into the pan. "Is this right?" He questions Steve, almost as an after thought. "Yes honey your doing great," Steve reassures, standing directly behind Tony. Tony, feeling the pressure, relaxes back and leans into Steve's chest, still stirring the bacon and onion. Steve smiles slightly when he notices Tony's smile.

"After the onion is cooked, add the minced beef and break up while cooking," Tony reads aloud from the paper. Steve nods and moves backwards away from Tony's back and grabs the mince from the bench behind them. He pulls the plastic back and dumps the meat into the pan.

Grabbing the spatula, Tony stabs the mince so it breaks into smaller chunks, and smiles at Steve. Steve laughs at Tony's proud smile and moves to stand behind him again. Putting his right hand over Tony's on the spatula handle and his left arm snakes around Tony's stomach, he moves the spatula and breaks the meat up further. Tony let's go of the spatula and turns in Steve's arm.

Steve continues to stir the contents of the pan while Tony's arms go around his back and he buries his face on the left side of Steve's neck, biting on the flesh. Steve moans quietly but continues cooking, his hand getting tighter around the handle of the spatula. Tony swaps sides and creates a hickey on the other side of Steve's  neck. Steve groaned a little louder this time but gasped when he dropped the spatula into the pan. Tony giggles slightly and reaches to turn the hot plate off before walking them backwards until Steve hits the island bench. Steve's hands found their way to Tony's waist and are gripping him, pulling him closer.

Tony leans up as Steve leans down and their lips connect, Tony's hands moving up Steve chest to rest on the back of is head. Steve grips Tony tighter before relaxing his grip and moving his hands up his sides, taking his shirt with him as he deepens the kiss. Tony's hands snake back down Steve's chest and starts to lift his shirt as well.

On the roof of the building, the quinjet lands and everyone piles out, moving towards the stair well, most planning on going to their rooms to sleep, some, including Clint, planning on getting food before retreating to his and Pietro's room. Clint, Sam, Bucky and Pietro arrive on the right floor and start down the hall towards the kitchen. As they approach, they can hear moaning. Assuming it's coming from somewhere else, all 4 stroll straight into the kitchen and are met with a shitless Steve and Tony making out against the kitchen island.

"Not in the kitchen. Come on guys that's where our food is prepared!" Clint screams from the door. Steve and Tony jump apart. Steve turns around to be greeted by the 4 pairs of eyes staring at his neck that hold the hickeys from earlier. Steve blushes while Tony walks up behind him, pressing his chest against Steve's back, wrapping his arms around his boyfriends stomach and starting to make a new hickey on the junction of his neck while Sam, Bucky, Clint and Pietro are still standing in the doorway. At the start of Tony's actions, Steve blushes such a dark red he resembles the colour of his boyfriends suit. Bucky laughs at Steve's face and grabs Sam's hand and dragging him back down the hall towards the elevator leaving an embarrassed Steve to deal with Clint's teasing.


This one is the same length as the last one but is has more dialogue. I hoped you enjoyed it. I wrote it in 2 days and it turned out ok.

Have a good day/night.

Published: 2/8/2020

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