Civil War

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Tony's POV

Steve and I are deliriously happy together. We've been dating for 4 months, ever since Steve finally picked up on the hints I was dropping all over the place. Literally. I was leaving notes to Steve all over the penthouse and adjoining floor below (that we all have bedrooms on) wishing Steve a good day or reminding him to stay strong when I saw him upset.

As I exit the elevator to the bedroom floor, I start to walk down the hall, passing doors at regular intervals in both sides. At the very end is my door which is opposite Steve's. I find the patch of wall further down the hallway on his side and put my hand on it. My hand is scanned and the door slides open to reveal Steve's secret art room. It's quite big despite the size of the bedrooms on this floor.

It's. So. Messy. I was here 4 hours ago when I branch Steve lunch and it was fine. My lab is tidied than this. At the front of the room is a table and stools for Steve to sit and draw against the wall on the left. On the right is a table full of every paint colour you could possibly have in various bottles. A lot seem to be empty and discarded there and I also see that slot of the paint tins are missing from underneath.

Heading further into the room, there are paint smears everywhere and paper with various drawing everywhere else. As I come to the corner, (Steve's room is slightly smaller then everyone else's so the room wraps around his bedroom) I can hear something splatter against the floor. I turn the corner and there is Steve. Standing over a giant canvas with paint smears all over his jeans and t-shirt, holding the paint tins side on and throwing the paint across the canvas.

"Steve," I say, a look of confusion covering my face. He doesn't turn around or even acknowledge me. "Steve," I say louder this time. Still nothing. I look at his ears and notice he's wearing earbuds so I reach up slowly and pull both out of his ears. He spins around, gasping, and throws the blue paint from the can he was holding all over me. My smirk immediately drops from my face and Steve looks at me horrified.

"Oh my gosh, Tones I'm so sorry. I can't believe I did that. Let me get you other clothes and we can..." Steve's rambling was cut off by me grabbing the open red paint tin next to him and throwing the contents all over his clothes.

The smirk re appears on my face as Steve's holds a look of pure shock. After a minute of basically having a staring contest, he reaches down with lightning reflexes and grabs another opened tin, this one being white, and tips the contents all over my already stained clothes.

"Your in for it now," I say, grabbing my own paint can. Steve squeals and runs across the room to some other paint cans while I toss the (yellow) paint at his retreating back.

What followed next was an all out paint war. There was at least 4 cans of paint on each of us. The walls and floor looked like a multi coloured crime scene. We were so covered in paint, if we lay on the floor we would turn invisible, which is where we currently were, panting from exertion from running around the large space with paint.

Steve is lying like a starfish a meter away from me with a huge grin on his face. I reach over and take his left hand in my right, intertwining our fingers. He grips my hand tightly and pulls me across the floor over to him where I curl up next to him with my head on him left arm and his right across my waist. After a while I can tell Steve has fallen asleep because his breathing has become even and he's closed his eyes. I decide to follow his example and let myself fall asleep in my boyfriends arms.

No-ones POV
2 hour Time Skip

Its almost dinner time and all available Avengers at the tower are on the hunt for Steve and Tony. Nat is checking the lower floors, Clint is just crawling through vents and peeking into rooms he finds and Bruce is checking all the labs. Thor is back on Asgard, while Wanda, Vision, Sam, Bucky and Pietro are all on missions.

After Nat checked the lower levels, she moves back up the tower, double checking every room, and eventually getting the the floor with everyone's bedrooms. Running her hand along the wall looking for a secret door because, well, it's Tony, she comes to an empty space and, upon inspection, finds gaps in the walls that shouldn't be there.

Pushing gently on the patch of wall, the secret door (ha see what I did there) moves to the side and Nat can see the front room with bits of paper everywhere. She move further into the room and turn the corner, gasping as she finds paint covering the walls and floor with Steve and Tony curled up in the middle of the room.

Smirking, Nat grabs her phone out and takes a few pictures and leave the room. Going up to the main area, she sees Clint and Bruce are sitting at the dining room table, looking defeated. Nat walks over the the pair. "Guess what I found," she half sings, pulling out her phone

"Wha-at" Clint mocks her. Nat unlocks her phone and pulls up the photos of Stony (as she's dubbed them) asleep on the floor. Clint bursts out laughing and Bruce smiles at his best friend, curled up on the floor, covered in paint.


I actually really enjoyed writing that one. It has been in my drafts half finished for a while but I suddenly had write so I finished it. Also I won't be doing any writing or post on the November long weekend because it's my birthday on the 2nd and we are going camping so hopefully I'll have and other chapter up before that.

Have a good day/night.

Published: 17/10/2020

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