"Well fuck,"

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This one-shot was a request for a person who also has a stony one-shot book and so we wrote our own versions. I recommend reading their book too for an alternate version. They are doryudhan and their book is called IronSheild.

The pop vinyl has nothing to do with the chapter except for the fact that that's one of the ones I'm getting for my birthday on Monday.

Just a quick warning this has mentions of mpreg in it but it's only small so if your not comfortable with that you can skip.


Steve's POV

Shield parties are one of the worst things that comes with working for them. They are always over-crowded with people I don't even know. I pull on my brown leather jacket over the blue t-shirt I'm wearing in front of the full length mirror in my apartment. Checking myself over, I grab my keys and phone, putting the phone in the back pocket of my jeans, and closing the front door behind me, walking down the 3 flights of stairs to the street where my motorcycle is, and pulling out into the street.

Arriving at Shield, I park the bike and get off, walking to the front door. Inside, there are people everywhere, mostly all Shield agents. Standing and talking, sitting on the multiple couches, and dancing to the music. I start to make my way through the crowd to the bar located on the far side of the spacious room. Once there, I find one of the scientists already tipsy and ordering another drink. "Hey Jim, enjoying the party?" I greet him.

"Oh hello Steve, how are youuuuuu?" He says back, dragging out the end of 'you'. "Actually I have something," he pulls out a flask from his jacket, filled with an amber liquid, "-for you, a serum to at least get you tipsy, if you want to." He continues. I look at him, surprised that he actually managed to figure it out. He's been working on it for weeks, ever since I told him I wouldn't be drinking at the New Years Eve party, which we are currently at.

"Ok, so I just drink?" I ask as he hands me the flask, staring at the liquid.

"Yep," he replies, popping the 'p'. Uncapping the flask, I throw my head back, downing it in one gulp. Jim stands there shocked and looking hopeful as I put the empty flask on the bar. My heads starts to spin and I can feel myself going from being completely sober to really tipsy in a few seconds. I turn and smile at Jim, giving him a thumbs up. He smiles back at me and walks away, holding another beer. I turn to the bar and order myself a beer. Following his lead, I turn around and order myself a beer.

I grab the drink and turn around, leaning on my elbow and drinking occasionally. I see a brown haired man walks in the door and heads into the crowd, seemingly walking towards me, probably to get a drink from the bar I'm still leaning on.

As he approaches, I can't help but follow him with my eyes, he's really handsome, sharp cheekbones and chocolate eyes. He's wearing an expensive looking suit and I can see his muscles from here.

He gets to the bar and orders a scotch. I turn around and put my empty beer glass down, ordering another. The man downs his scotch and orders another as I start on my next beer. After a few minutes of me staring at the crowd and him staring at the bar surface, we are both well and truly drunk. The guy is swaying whenever he moves and my eyes can't seem to properly focus.

"Heeeeeeey cutie, how are you on this fine evening?" He stammers our, looking straight into my eyes.

"I'm goooood," I answer, my words slurring slightly. He steps closer and leans towards me.

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