That Went Well

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I decided I wanted to update before I went on a trip this weekend that I couldn't get out of so I may not update for a while but I hope you enjoy this very rushed one shot with almost all my favourite marvel ships.


No-ones POV

Friday afternoon finally rolled around, after school, Peter was going to visit the tower. Moving through the crowd on the sidewalk, Peter weaved around a couple and ducked into a dark ally, moving past the garbage bins and ducking around the connecting ally, shielding him from view. Peter pulled his science pun shirt over his head, revealing the red and blue suit with the black spider logo on the front. Stumbling against the wall, he pulled his other pant leg down and shoved the two items of clothing into his bag, along with the shoes and socks he took off earlier. He grabbed his mask off the floor where it had fallen and pulled I over his brunette hair and swung his backpack onto his back, turning and climbing up the wall.

Seeing the Avengers Tower in the distance, he ran and leapt off the side of the building, shooting a web at the opposite building and swinging above the traffic. On the way, Peter saw the familiar red and black suited superhero sitting on the edge of the building. Turning in that direction, Peter swung to the rooftop and fell into place beside his boyfriend of three months, Wade.

At Avengers Tower

All Avengers (Clint, Pietro, Bruce, Wanda, Thor, Steve, Bucky, Sam, Tony, Natasha, Loki), were sitting on the various couches and floor space around the living room of the penthouse. Pietro and Clint were cuddling on the floor, backs against the main sofa. Loki, Wanda and Natasha were sitting on said couch, Wanda snuggled into Nat's side. Sam and Bucky were sharing a love seat diagonal from the couch. Thor and Bruce sat in the single seater couch opposite the love seat while Tony leant against side on the floor with Steve sitting diagonally across from him, back leaning against the couch by Loki's legs.

Every Avenger was bored out of their mind, having had no missions for over a two weeks, they were trying to entertain themselves. The couples within the Avengers were spending the most time together, reading, swimming, pulling pranks and other things.

Sam and Bucky would mostly be reading or going on runs together.

Thor would watch Bruce doing stuff in his lab and when he got bored he would go and train.

Pietro and Clint pulled pranks a lot, either on each other or on any Avenger they chose. Nat would help Wanda learn to do more magic and control the magic she has.

Loki mostly read a lot. He spent days down at the library on the floor below.

Steve would either read, go for a run with Sam and Bucky, or train in the gym.

While Tony spent almost all his time in the lab, upgrading not only his suit but Peter's suit too.

Everyone was silent, only the sound of breathing and the occasional car horn from the traffic outside was heard. That is, until Tony gasped, jumping up from his spot on the floor and racing towards his lab. Everyone looked after him, confused out of their minds as to why. After a few more minutes of silence, Steve sighed and stood up, following his secret boyfriend to his lab.

Entering the room, Steve could see Tony hunched over a floor plan of the penthouse, furiously typing in rows of code into Jarvis. Tony heard Steve enter and looked up, smirking before going back to typing. "Tony, baby, what are you doing?" Steve questioned, moving further into the room.

"I am planning a truth or dare game." He answered, still typing.

"Why do you need to plan a truth or dare game?" Steve asked, still thoroughly confused.

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