《Chapter 1》 "Cut it out!"

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*Jake's Pov*

Right now I'm walking to the music room for band practice. I've never would have thought that I would have joined this club, or sing in front of anyone, ever again. But then Daisy came along and convinced me not to give up on my dream.

You see I used to sing in front of people, more then you think actually. But the kids at school thought is was weird, especially because I'm a boy. And after a while I had enough of the bullying, so instead of telling an adult, I changed myself. And for the worst.

Before I joined the Music Club I used to tease these two kids named Hailey and Zander. They liked to sing, and play musical instruments. I always thought that they were dating but it turns out there step-slibings. And not only that but Zander is gay.

With I'm totally fine with my the way! If I'm being honest I think I'm bi... but I'm not sure yet. I have caught myself checking out guys before so... it's a possibility.

But that's enough for right now, I'm going to be late!

I started speed walking down the halls. I promised Hailey I would never be late to practice again, and right now it seems like I'm going to break that promise. 'Shes so going to kill me-'.

"Hahaha!! I know right Zander is such a loser! I mean he'd rather date boys then hot chicks!"

I don't know why those words hurt me so much but they did. I don't know if it was because Zander's my friend, or something else, but that doesn't matter right now all that matters is defending Zander.

"Cut it out guys!" I walked around the corner. They both turned around and looked at me. "And why do you care?" One of them said. "Yeah, your popular why do you care for that loser!" The other one added.

"One where friends... or at least I think we are..." I muttered the last part. "And two, he's a pretty cool guy, much cooler than the two of you that's for sure!" There jaws dropped.

"But...but he's a gay freak!" One- I think his name was Justin tried to change my mind. I shook my head. "So? There's nothing wrong with that!" I told them.

There eyes widened, and little smirks started to appear on there faces. "I see what your doing now....your only sticking up for him because you want to stay in that music competition!" Justin started to chuckle along side his friend.

"I doubt your in the stupid competition just to sing, your popular you don't want to sing, probably just to impress someone. Perhaps a little lady?" They were now both full on laughing.

"I mean you wouldn't actually want to be friends with a gay freak!" Those words were the words that got to me. And let me tell you, the words that came out of my mouth next would change my life forever.

"I'm gay!"

'What the hell Jake! Your not gay why would you lie like this!' Both of the boys stopped laughing and stared at me .

"Your.... what..." they both looked at each other, and then started to back away slowly. They turned around and started walking the other direction but before they were out of hearing they both yelled "Once a Music Freak always a Music Freak".


*Zander's Pov*

I can't believe I'm running late. I just have to hope I get there before Jake otherwise he'll brag about it for days.

I was rushing to practice when I overheard two voices.

"Hahaha!! I know right Zander is such a loser! I mean he'd rather date boys then hot chicks!" I was about to go and confront these boys untill.... Jake came around the corner?

'Let guess he's going to join in and tell them all our-' "Cut it out guys!" My eyes widened... was Jake sticking up for.... me!?

They both turned to look at him. "And why do you care?" One of them said. "Yeah, your popular why do you care for that loser!" The other one added.

"One where friends... ------------ ..." I had to hold in my laugh. He thinks where friends!? "And two, he's a pretty cool guy, much cooler than the two of you that's for sure!" There jaws dropped.

I couldn't help but feel blush come to my cheeks. I wasn't expecting this.... I don't think even Jake himself was.

But...but he's a gay freak!" The first one said. But Jake only shook his head and said "So? There's nothing wrong with that!" At this point I could hear my heartbeat speed up.

There eyes widened, and little smirks started to appear on there faces. "I see what your doing now....your only sticking up for him because you want to stay in that music competition!" One of the boys started to chuckle along side his friend.

I doubt your in the stupid competition just to sing, your popular you don't want to sing, probably just to impress someone. Perhaps a little lady?" They were now both full on laughing.

'Wait.... is that true?! I knew it! He didn't want to join because of a passion. He wanted to join because of a girl....'

"I mean you wouldn't actually want to be friends with a gay freak!" Those words seemed to really bother Jake. 'Maybe he really does have a passion for music.'

"I'm gay!"

My eyes widened. 'Jake is gay! I was not expecting this.' Both boys stopped laughing, and started at him. They seemed bothered by the fact that Jake was indeed gay. Or in there words a "gay freak".

"Your.... what..." they both looked at each other, and then started to back away slowly. They turned around and started walking the other direction but before they were out of hearing they both yelled "Once a Music Freak always a Music Freak".

'"Once a Music Freak always a Music Freak?" What do they mean by that? Was Jake a singer in primary school?'

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