《Chapter 8》 'Song Writing..'

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*Jake's Pov*

"Are you sure your not his crush Jake? Because he seems to get more cheerful when your around.." Drew teased me as we were walking to are next class, with Liam and Henry.

"Haha very funny... but for the last time I'm not-" I was cut off. "Jake" a voice yelled from behind me.

I turned around to see a smiling Luke. "I just wanted to say thank you once again for helping me out. I really do appreciate it!" He cheered.

Drew, Henry, and Liam all share looks. "Oh it was no problem really." I looked up to the clock on the wall. "Well we better go, don't want to be late for class." I said with my hands on my hips.

He just nodded and walked past us. When he was out of sight Drew asked, "You sure your not his crush?" He asked amused.

I shook my head. "Of course not! I know who his crush is, so I know it's not me." They just snickered. "Jake I highly doubt that. Your so oblivious, its unbelievable." Henry said laughing.

I just rolled my eyes. "Yeah..... yeah I know...."

"Hey Jake!" I turned back to see a very tired Hailey running after me. "I'm glad a caught up to you..." she panted out. She took a few moments to catch her breath but then restarted the conversation.

"I was wondering if we could work on the song today. But I didn't get to ask you before, so sorry this is so short noticed."

I just gave her a smile. "Of course we can Hailey! And don't worry about telling me too late. You made it just on time, actually I was just about to head home." I chuckled.

She smiled. "Well then what are we waiting for? Let's go!" She grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the direction of her house.

After a while she let go of my arm and let me walk for myself. "So... is Zander going to be there?" I asked. She just looked at me like I was stupid.

"He's my step-brother what do you think?" She said sarcastically. I felt my face heat up a bit out of embarrassment.

"But yes he will be there..." she looked at me with a smirk. "You know if you like him you should just tell him...." she said casually.

My eyes widened and blush covered my face. "No! .... no I don't... I don't like him...." I stuttered. She raised and eyebrow at me but didn't say anything. "Oh! Look where here!" She yelled as she once again grabbed my arm, and dragged me into the house.

"Alright we need to start coming up with lyrics..." Hailey said as she grabbed her notebook, as well as a pen. "They song should be upbringing, because that's the beat Sean made for us." I nodded.

I started to think and put words together in my mind. So did Hailey. After sometime we had a descent amount of the song done.

Come on tell me...

Come on tell me...

All the things we couldn't see~

Those moments...

We keep going on to feel complete~


Come on tell me.

Come on tell me.

All the lies I should have seen~

And was all a world of make believe~

I gotta to open up my mind!

This kind love it all just got us blind!

These memories we know...

We got to save them so!

Just tell me that you won't be here tonight~

"That's pretty good so far Jake." Hailey cheered happily. "O-oh thanks Hailey!" I gave her a small smile. "Hailey have you seen my-" Zander stopped what he was saying and just.... starred at me.

"W-What's he doing here....?" He grumbled. Zander looked down towards to floor, and every now and then would look at Hailey and me. But never once looking up.

I looked closer at his face. It seemed to be red! 'Oh no! Does Zander have a fever!!!' I got up and walked over to him. He then looked up for the first time with an eyebrow raised. I put my hand on his forehead.

He seemed to get even redder! "Zander are you feeling ok? Your really red.... Do you have a fever!" I yelled my voice full of worry.

His eyes narrowed. "N-no.... now take your hand of my forehead!!!" He yelled getting flustered. I removed my hand, but still couldn't help but want to make sure Zander got better. I grabbed his wrist, and pulled him into the hallway, looking for his bedroom.

"J-Jake! W-what are you doing..." he stuttered. 'Man he really must be sick! He never stutters...' (Yes Jake.... he's sick..... Love Sick!!! UwU Poor Zander.... Jake's so oblivious... 😑)

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