《Chapter 5》 'Jealously...'

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*3rd person Pov*

"Wait, wait, wait..... your telling me, that Jake told two boys he was gay, and now theres two rumors going around saying you two are dating!" Hailey screamed.

The two boys just nodded. "Are the rumors true?" Sean asked. Zander and Jake looked at each other, as if saying it was okay to answer. "No were not dating..." Zander spoke up.

"However, I am..... Bisexual...." Jake said hesitantly. The rest of the groups eyes widened slightly. "Do your other friends know?" Hailey asked with slight concern in her voice.

"I assume so... but I don't know, I haven't talked to them..." Jake said as he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. But before they could say anymore, the door to the music room opened. "Hello!" Daisy said cheerfully.

She then saw the looks on everyones faces. "Oh am I interrupting something? If I am I can always come back tomorrow!" Daisy said with her usual cheerful voice.

Jake turned a slight shade of pink. "O-oh of course not Daisy! Y-your not inter- interrupting anything.." Jake stuttered out. Everyone else looked at the two with smirks on the faces.... well almost everyone, not Zander.

Zander was getting this feeling of protection, and hatred towards the two. He wanted to keep Daisy away from Jake, he didnt like her.... not one bit.

Meanwhile Luke noticed this and frowned. He had liked Zander for quite some time now. And didn't like the way he was looking at Jake and Daisy.

"Want to hear me sing a song Daisy!?" Jake hurriedly asked. Daisy gave Jake a smile. "Of course Jake! I would love to hear your amazing voice." Jake blushed.

They all got in there positions, and got ready to play there instruments, except for Jake who was singing. The music started up and Jake began to sing.

"I can only imagine, how it is to be with you."

"From the first time I saw your face. I knew this love was true."

"Bet your already taken"

"Nothing I can do~"

In the middle of the song Zander started to get butterflies in his chest. He couldn't help but let small blush crawl up onto his cheeks.

"So I can only imagine, how it is to be with you."

"I can only imagine us both loving though the night."

"I can only imagine us together side by....side".

"I can only imagine were both facing in the moonlight..."

"I can only imagine...."

"I can only imagine..."

As the music quieted down, Daisy's claps began to get louder. "Absolutely wonderful Jake! Your voice is just as beautiful as I remember!" She gushed.

"Oh a thanks Daisy! I'm glad your here- uh I mean that you enjoyed." Zanders blush soon disappeared, and he began to have a feeling of dread and emptiness in his stomach. He then remembered the time in the bathroom were he and Jake had almost kissed.

"You all must be so excited for the band competition! Your all so talented!" Hailey started to blush. "Awww thanks Daisy!"

"What can I say it comes naturally to some of us." Zander replied. "Woah!!" Mily yelled. "I think I just saw your head get bigger just now."

"Your one to talk..." Zander coughed out. Dasiy giggled. "Well thank you for letting me listen. I won't interrupt you guys any longer. My parents are waiting to take me to dance rehearsals."

"You dance!?" Sean said surprised. "Wow. You really got your plate full huh." "Indeed..." she sighed. "Well good luck guys! I'm sorry for interrupting you rehearsal time!"

"N-not at all c-come back anytime!" Jake stuttered once more.

As Daisy walked away, Hailey said "That girl really is the epitome of cute..."

"Yeah..." both Jake and Sean sighed out. Hailey sighed. "Alright then....good work today everyone. While have rehearsals again at lunch time tomorrow. And remember Jake 12:30 on the dot."

Everyone began to get there stuff and leave. But Jake looked over to Luke, and he couldn't help but feel like something was wrong.

"Hey uh Luke. Are you okay?" Jake asked him. "Oh uh yeah I'm fine thanks..." Jake couldn't help but realise that Luke's tone was colder towards him.

'It doesn't seem like it.' Jake thought to himself. "Is something bothering you?" He pressed. Luke sighed. "I...I guess you could say that." He looked back at Jake.

"You know Jake.... I'm kinda of jealous of you...." Jake's eyes widened in surprise. "Wait! Hun! Really!" Jake yelled out. "Why?" Jake said with his eyes still wide.

Luke chuckled. "Now don't get me wrong, I couldn't be apart of my baby!" Luke said looking over at his drums. "But I wish I could sing like you.... maybe then I could sing to the one I love...."

'Is... Luke in love with someone!.....hun!?'
"Oh well.... I'm not sure if it makes it any easier in my experience...." Jake laughed nervously. "But uh... Hey! You shouldn't give up hope! Just tell them how you feel instead."

Luke sighed. "I'm not sure that's a good idea..... especially when he seems to like you..." he muttered the last part. Jake didn't seem to hear.

Meanwhile Zander was watching the two, and frankly he didnt like it. Just like the feeling he was getting when Dasiy was around he felt the need to protect Jake. Even if it was from his best friend.

"Luke!" He shouted from the doorway. Causing both Luke and Jake to look his way. "Hailey is staying behind with Sean for awhile to work on technical stuff.. I'm going home. You coming with me?" He asked.

"Oh! Yes! I'm coming!" Luke stuttered. Luke then turned and headed out the doorway with Zander along his side.

♡ Love's Blind... ♡ || Zander x Jake || RosyClozy || Completed ||Where stories live. Discover now