《Chapter 4 》'Rumors...'

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*3rd person Pov*

Right now Jake's walking to school. He's been a a little nervous ever since his conversation with Zander. He kept having thoughts like 'Is he going to tell anyone? Or would he keep it between us?' Jake has been thinking about all the possibilities Zander has at ruining his life.

But while Jake was in deep thought he crashed into someone, and fell backwards. "Omg I'm so sorry!" He shouted. He immediately looked up to see who he walked into when he saw Zander.

He gulped. But Zander only sighed and reached his hand out to help Jake up. Jake was taken back by surprise but also took his hand. "I'm not going to tell anyone if that's what your worrying about." Zander said bluntly.

Jake sighed in relief and nodded at Zander with a smile on his face. "Thanks Zander... I appreciate it!"

Only in that moment did both of them realize that they were still holding hands. They both pulled there hand away flustered.

"So... uh you have english first period right?" Zander raised his eyebrow but nodded anyway. "Great were in the same class!" Jake then grabbed Zander's hand and walked in the direction of the school.

When they got there people were staring and all gossiping about the two. They both ignored there surroundings and headed inside only to be ment with a cheerful Daisy.

"Jake!" She shouted as she ran over to them. "I'm so happy for you!" But Jake only raised and eye brow at Daisy. "W-what do you mean Daisy?" She smiled softly at him. "Well you came out of course!"

Jake's eyes widened in surprise and blush cover his face. Daisy then looked at the time. "Oh! Sorry Jake I have head girl duties. Cya Jake!" Jake only weakly nodded in return.

Jake became pale. 'If Daisy knows that means Henry, Drew, and Liam does too!! What If they kick me out of the group or don't want to be friends anymore!'

Zander seemed to notice that Jake was in distress. Because he grabbed Jake's wrist and pulled him into the nearest bathroom. He then looked to make sure no one was in there before locking the door.

Jake only then seemed to realize the change of scenery. "Your gay! I thought you liked Daisy?" Jake sighed and looked up and Zander. "I'm not gay....I'm bisexual...." Zander slowly nodded understanding his dilemma.

"Why does everyone think your gay?" Zander asked. But he really didn't need to he already knew why. But he'd rather have him tell him so if it ever slipped out, he knew it wouldn't be a big deal.

Jake looked up in frustration. "I told two boys yesterday I was..."

Jake leaned on the sink and sighed. "How'd you do it?" He asked Zander. "Do what?" Jake looked straight into his eyes. "Come out to everyone."

Zander hold in his breath but then slowly released it. He leaned on the sink next to Jake. "I was.... scared that everyone would hate me."

He looked into Jake's eyes. "But, I decided I'd rather tell everyone, and have to get new friends if I had too, then to keep it all bottled up." Jake slowly nodded as he talked like he was taken in every word.

The two were just starting into each others eyes like they were in a trance. They were slowly leaning closer, intill they heard the first bell go off.

"Dang it were late to class!" Zander yelled as he unlocked the door.


It was now the end of the day, and both boys were nervous about how the rest of the band were going to react to the rumors. Yes you heard that right dear readers there are now two rumors instead of the one.

The first one was about Jake being gay. But the second one goes a lot deeper than that, people now think the Zander and Jake are dating.

The second one all started because someone took a picture of the two boys walking into school together, and kids also gossiped about how they were both late to class that morning. So you can only imagine were it went from there.

And now both of them are standing in front of the music room door slightly arguing about who should open it.

But luckily neither of them had to. Because Hailey did it for them....

She had open the door to the both of them arguing with sign language. Not that ethier one of them knew it. "Guys?" She raised and eyebrow.

They both snapped there heads in the direction of the voice. "Are you going to come in or stand there for the next five minutes?"

♡ Love's Blind... ♡ || Zander x Jake || RosyClozy || Completed ||Where stories live. Discover now