《Chapter 2 》 'Music Practice!' [ Short ]

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*Jake's Pov*

As I saw the music room come into vision, I started running to get to the door. Right as I touched the door knob, I swung the door open. "I'm here!" I yelled in between pants. I looked up to see if they where mad because I was late again. When I realised Zander wasn't there.

I sat up straight. "Where's Zander?" I asked. Hailey was about to answer but before she could someone else did. "I'm right here!" I heard from behind me. I turned around with a smirk on my face. "Ha! I made it to practice before you did." I teased.

Zander just rolled his eyes and pushed past me. "Where were you two?" Milly asked. "Yeah its been 10 minutes?" Hailey added.

Luke looked between me and Zander, like he was trying to put two and two together. A sly smile appeared on his face. "Where you to together? You both came in at the same time." He teased.

I felt my cheeks heat up. "No!" We both yelled at the same time. But no one seemed convinced. Instead of riding the smirk off Luke's face, we added one to Milly, Sean, and Haileys faces.

That's when they all started to sing....
"Zander and Jake sitting in a tree K~I~S~S~I~N~G, first comes love then comes marriage, then comes a baby in a carriage????" By the end of the song me and Zander were practically tomatoes, and the rest of the gang were confused.

"Guys I don't think that's how it goes." Milly pointed out. They all looked at each other and started laughing. "Hahah... okay sorry guys will stop the teasing" Hailey told us.

"Plus Jake has a crush on Daisy!" Milly shouted out. My eyes went wide. "Milly!! You said you wouldn't tell anyone!" She rubbed the back of her neck. "Sorry Jake it just slipped out..."

"Wait! Daisy? Like white hair, and blue eyes Daisy?" Sean asked. I nodded in response, "Yeah do you know her?" He smiled, with slight blush across his cheeks. "Yeah she came by yesterday, she seems like a sweet girl. She's really excited for the music competition."

I felt a little not in my stomach. 'Sean met Daisy? And not only that but he was blushing! Does he like her? I hope not....'

~Time skip ~ After practice~

*Zander's Pov*

Im super confused. Didn't Jake say he was gay!? Then how does he have a crush on a girl!? Maybe he likes both genders? 'Whatever. I shouldn't worry about this. It doesn't conserve me anyway'

I sighed, which seemed to get Hailey's attention. "Hey Zander, what you thinking about?" She asked me.

♡ Love's Blind... ♡ || Zander x Jake || RosyClozy || Completed ||Where stories live. Discover now