《Chapter 6 》"He likes Zander!!"

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*Jake's Pov*

Right now I'm sitting in science class with Drew. I told them the truth before they managed to assume anything, so they don't really care about any of the rumors now.


*3rd person pov*

Jake was walking down the hall. Trying to figure out who Luke liked. 'Hmmm, it couldn't be Hailey..... or Milly....' he was so into his thoughts he didnt realise Drew, Henry, and Liam came up to him. So he was pretty surprised when he looked to see three angry faces of his friends.

"What the hell Jake!" Drew yelled. "Yeah, why didn't you tell us you were gay dude!" Liam also yelled out. Jake sighed, he knew this conversation would come eventually.

"Because I'm not...." Jake huffed out. They all sighed in relief. "I'm Bisexual..." Jake finished. They all looked at him with wide eyes. "And you didnt think to tell us!!" Henry yelled. "We could've helped you get a boyfriend..." Drew said as he rolled his eyes.

"Yeah but it seems you already got one." Henry snickered. "He's not my boyfriend that one was a lie..." Jake said. "Were not that gullible Jake... we know you wouldn't date the music freak." Liam replied.

Jake felt a pad bit of anger from the comment but desided to brush it over his shoulder. "So were good now? Jake questioned. "Were good." The three of them said all at once.

*Flahback ended*

*Jake's Pov*

I looked over to my right. Luke just looks so depressed I can't help but keep looking at him. I want to help him I truly do. Luke sighed and continued to work with his science partner.

But that seemed to catch the attention of Drew. "What's Luke sighing about?" He questioned. "Had a fallen out with his freak friends?" He asked me. "No, I think he's just having some issues in the love department." I replied.

"Oof that's tuff... " Drew said with little to no emotion at all. "Shame I can't relate." 'And people say I'm to full of myself...' But apparently Henry and Liam were listening in because Henry responded.

"Ugh... I feel for him. Lia still hasn't texted me back since yesterday. I can't seem to catch a break!" He yelled. "I'm telling you stop sending her "My Hero Academia" memes!" Liam scolded him.

I looked back over to Luke. 'Man that crush of his must really be getting him down. Hm... maybe Hailey can clue me in!?'

Luckily for me Hailey was right next to me. "Psst Hailey." I whispered. That seem to get her attention. She looked at me. "Yes?"

"I can't help but notice....that Luke is looking pretty upset today...He told me something about a crush. You don't happen to know you it is do you?" Hailey smirked.

"Why are you interested?" She joked. My eyes widened and a felt light blush appear on my cheeks. "Oh HaHaHa.... your funny..." I said sarcastically.

"I just thought that.... well maybe I can help him out, give him some advice ya know. I am a charmer with that lady's after all."

Hailey didn't look impressed at all, she just rolled her eyes. "Right..... but I'm afraid that's not going to come in handy in Luke's case."

I raised and eyebrow. "Oh and why is that?" I asked. "Because its Zander." My eyes widened. "Did you say Zander!!!" I yelled.

Everyone then brought there attention on me for screaming in class. "Is there a problem in the back Jake?" My teacher asked. "Uh... no sorry miss." I said as I blushed from embarrassment. But once everyone looked away I couldn't help but have a numb feeling in my chest.

'Luke likes Zander... Wow would never have expected that... but why does it bother me so much...?' I was brought out of my thoughts by no other than Hailey.

"Do you have to make a spectacle everywhere you go?" She asked me. "I...I didn't mean too it's just... I had no idea."

She chuckled at my obliviousness. "I thought it would have been obvious by now. Yet again it is you were talking about." I frowned. "Look..... all I know is that there close childhood friends. I wasn't told that there was any more than that."

'Then again he was pretty protective of Zander that one time....' That memory makes me shiver. 'Maybe I have been oblivious'.

"Luke has been pineing over Zander, for literally as long as I known him for." She explains to me. "I guess he just doesn't want to ruin there friendship in case Zander doesn't feel the same..." she said sadly.

I feel bad for Luke I really do, but I just can't help but get a little bit upset by the fact that he likes Zander. 'I don't know why- ...The bathroom.... we almost kissed. Do I.... do I like Zander!?'

I was pulled out of my thoughts by an annoyed Drew. "Are you going to continue talking to your music girlfriend? Or are you actually going to help me out here?"

"Don't call me that!" Me and Hailey said at the same time. "I wouldn't have partnered up with you if I knew you would just talk to her the whole lesson!" He complained. "Help out would you..."

I rolled my eyes. "Sorry Drew, I'll help." I took the purple liquid and mixed it into the other purple one. Its started to make funny notices and then exploded. Drew just looked at me with a look that said. 'You deserved that'

And just when I thought the problem couldn't get any worse. Our teacher gave me detention.

Today really isn't looking to good for me is it?

♡ Love's Blind... ♡ || Zander x Jake || RosyClozy || Completed ||Where stories live. Discover now